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The Buzzer blog’s plan for the Games period

The Buzzer blog’s plan for the Games period

Yours truly, cycling the region to get you the inside scoop on transit and the Olympics.
Yours truly, cycling the region to get you the inside scoop on transit and the Olympics.

The Olympics will be on from February 12 to 28, and during that time, I’m planning to update the blog as much as possible—even on weekends!

I’m hoping to share stories on how our transit system is weathering the Games, plus capture the transportation experiences of our visitors and residents.

I’ll also keep you updated on any ongoing travel issues. (Here’s our online resources for real-time traffic info, too).

Share your stories

So, during the Games, please e-mail me if you have a story, photos or more to share on the blog! I’d love to know if you’ve started biking to work, or if you’re riding the West Coast Express for the first time, or whether you’ve spotted a celebrity or an Olympic athlete on the system :)

I’ll be out and about: what that means for you

As well, like most TransLink staff, I will be out of office and on the system during the Olympic period. I’ll update the Buzzer’s Twitter account if I’m somewhere notable, and please do say hello if you see me! I’ll have transit buttons to share and would love to hear how your Games experience is going.

One more thing: be aware that my capacity to answer questions will be more limited during this period. Almost all staff will be out as transit hosts or on other duties, so they won’t be as available to help me gather information about our system! I’ll also be out and about as much as possible during the 17 Olympic days. I will do my best to help you out though—I do know a wee bit about things!

Your comments welcome

And as always, feel free to let me know if you have suggestions for Olympic coverage, or other comments. You tell me what you want to hear about, and I’ll see what I can rustle up :)


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