A picture of the Pattullo Bridge replacement piece
January 21, 2009
A picture of the Pattullo Bridge replacement piece
January 21, 2009

If you hadn’t heard, we’re fixing the Pattullo Bridge with a piece from the old Canada Line construction. Judging from the photo’s file name, it was located at 25th and Cambie. Check out the full story of the bridge repairs here!
I think that photo is just an example of the temporary Canada Line bridges. The Globe & Mail reported that the one to be used for the Pattullo Bridge was from 41st and Cambie.
And indeed you are correct, Ian S. I’ll fix that in the post above.
Hold up — I just got a second note from our folks and SureSpan, and the bridge span is actually from 25th and Cambie, not 41st and Cambie. Guess there was a mixup somewhere. It *is* from 25th and Cambie and that is the correct bridge span pictured above.