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Open houses for Canada Line bus changes – Feb. 21 & 23, Surrey and YVR

Open houses for Canada Line bus changes – Feb. 21 & 23, Surrey and YVR

We’re holding open houses in Surrey and at YVR this upcoming weekend to discuss Canada Line bus route changes. Come on out: we want your feedback on what changes should be made!

The first event will be on Saturday, Feb. 21 • 9:30am – 5pm, at Semiahmoo Mall, 152 Street and 16th Avenue, Surrey.

The second event will be on Monday, Feb. 23 • 2pm – 8pm, at the Vancouver International Airport (in front of Haida Gwaii).

These are the last two open houses in February, so please try to drop by if you haven’t been to one yet!

Note: Just wanted to mention that this is the second round of consultations on Canada Line bus changes — the first round was held in March 2008. (You can see the schedule for the first consultation round in the March 28, 2008 Buzzer, btw.)

For more info, send an e-mail to John Timms, or give John a call at 604-953-3251.


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