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Second open house for Burnaby Mountain Transit Hub on Wednesday

Second open house for Burnaby Mountain Transit Hub on Wednesday

SFU staff, students, residents of UniverCity and other interested parties: come to an open house on Wednesday to see the developing plans for the Burnaby Mountain Transit Hub!

Wednesday, February 18
9:00am – 4:00pm
ASSC 1 Atrium Space – AQ NE (adjacent to Renaissance Coffee)
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Cornerstone Building, 8982 University High Street

This is the second open house to be held regarding this transit exchange, following up on an initial consultation held in November 2008.

At this open house, you’ll see background information and a conceptual design for the Burnaby Mountain Transit Hub and surrounding area, based on the concept that resulted from the November 2008 Community Open House. Feel free to attend and share your comments and ideas!

TransLink, SFU and the SFU Community Trust are engaged in this study to consider the redevelopment of the exchange. With the introduction of the Vancity U-Pass in 2002 and the SFU Community Pass in 2006, transit use has increased significantly and the current exchange at the top of Burnaby Mountain needs to be expanded. And with projects like UniverCity and the SFU Town Centre redevelopment, the SFU area has seen increased growth and more diverse land use.

We’re hoping to create an exceptional urban environment that supports the community’s commitment to sustainable planning, and encourages commuters to choose transit as the preferred mode of travel. We want the hub to be attractive, safe and functional, respecting the campus’ inherent character as well as the urban context of the area, and meeting the needs of the people now and in the future.

For more information, please contact Colleen Sondermann at 604 453 4687 or at


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