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Thursday fun poll: what’s the best way to pass time on transit?

Thursday fun poll: what’s the best way to pass time on transit?

Since we all have the day off tomorrow, the weekly poll is a day early today!

Last week I asked if you had ever talked to your crush on transit.

There was a fairly low turnout for this one, with just 67 people weighing in on the matter. The vast majority (84%) said no, and the rest said yes (16%). (Do you like how I got the pie chart to split, btw?)

Also, while there were only three comments on this poll, they were all still quite fun. From LisaB:

A happy little story – my friend just married her bus-crush. So sometimes it pays off to chat up your bus buddy!

And Donald Nguyen had some success too!

Oh transit crushes, had a many, talked to none, didn’t think the typical woman would appreciate being hit on during their commute! Although I did write to I Saw You on the Georgia Straight and low and behold she responded! We just had one date but it was nice regardless.


On to a new poll now!

If you picked the “iPod/music player” option, care to share what makes for a good transit playlist? I personally think podcasts and radio shows are great for transit: This American Life is particularly terrific :)


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