TransLink CEO talks about our 10-Year Plan with the Vancouver Sun
April 24, 2009
TransLink CEO talks about our 10-Year Plan with the Vancouver Sun
April 24, 2009

Our CEO Tom Prendergast went down to talk to the Vancouver Sun editorial board not long ago, and the paper has just put up a video of his talk on their website.
I highly recommend you see the video if you’re interested in our region’s transportation future and you’re not familiar with the issues. Tom does a really good explanation of the long-term plans TransLink is required to come up with, the funding crisis we currently face, and how we’re trying to make informed investments so that we can best manage transportation for the region in the future.
And you can find out more on the issues Tom talks about on the BePartofthePlan website, our discussion site for our current regional transportation plan.
I’m very sad.
I noticed that there are 3 miles between a couple of bus stops along the #388 route. I wanted to stop in between them. I guess that people like me are not important enough.
We have to have so many rules that make it hard for us to create bus stops at convenient locations. We’d rather have no bus stops and tell people to use transit, as opposed to have enough bus stops, and then let people know that they can use transit.
I feel so betrayed. Even though this wasn’t a personal attack on me, I feel very sad & betrayed. That’ll teach me to encourage others to use transit.
I’m looking at the route map online, and while the 15 km or so route does have 35 stops, there does seem to be a odd long gap between two of them. To be fair, there doesn’t seem to be a heck of a lot there where the gap is but…
Here is the gap on google maps:,0&sz=15&sll=49.162961,-122.745824&sspn=0.022619,0.05579&ie=UTF8&ll=49.168293,-122.729902&spn=0.045232,0.11158&t=h&z=14
[…] FYI, Tom also spoke to the Vancouver Sun editorial board a while back, and the Sun has video of Tom explaining the transportation challenges in our region. […]
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