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Info tubes — send us your feedback!

Info tubes — send us your feedback!

An example of an info tube from Metrotown bus loop. Bus loop tubes are currently being maintained but others have been replaced with contact info for TransLink's scheduling services.
An example of an info tube from Metrotown bus loop. Bus loop tubes are currently being maintained but others have been replaced with contact info for TransLink

So, you may have noticed that info tubes at many stops no longer contain scheduling information — instead, there’s a notice asking you to call Customer Information or try our website.

Well, we really want to know what you think about this situation! So please send a note to Customer Relations with your feedback.

We want to know so we have a better sense of whether this change is working for you or not. Very few pieces of feedback have come in about the tubes so far, although we do know people have been grumbling about this — just not directly to our Customer Relations department.

Here’s why many of the info tubes were changed about a month ago, too.

Basically, the info tubes were changed because our customer information department no longer has the resources to keep them all updated. (The tubes are at about 1,200 of the region’s ~9,000 bus stops.)

The information in many of the tubes was also quite out of date, and given the situation, they figured that no information was better than wrong information.

However, I should mention that not all info tubes have been discontinued — there are 300 info tubes at bus loops that are still being updated.

So again, please tell us what you think about this info tube change! Tell your friends, pass this around, we want to hear from all of you.

Again, write to Customer Relations with your feedback. (Of course, you can also leave comments on this post, but I’d urge you to also submit them to Customer Relations so that it’s definitely logged in the system.)


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