The July Buzzer is out today!
The July Buzzer is out today!
The July 2009 Buzzer is now on all buses, SeaBus, SkyTrain, and West Coast Express!
In this issue, we’ve got a list of summer getaways you can take without a car — and almost all were suggested by you guys in this post.
(I’m also thinking we could do more lists of summer getaways or just fun local destinations online, so if you have suggestions, please fire them over to me.)
The Buzzer also lists special transit service for the HSBC Celebration of Light and Caribbean Days in North Vancouver, plus the holiday service for B.C. Day (yay holidays!), and the downtown Dunsmuir Tunnel SkyTrain work.
And our little Back Issues section talks about Langley joining the B.C. Transit service region in 1988 — can you believe it’s been over 20 years now?
Again, it is the Buzzer’s great pleasure to have a cover drawn by a Canadian illustrator: this time, it’s the wonderful Aurelie Grand.
As always, if you can’t get the Buzzer on the system, you can always read it in PDF form on our website. Visit our Buzzer PDF archives, which stretch back to the heady days of June 2006. (Here’s the direct link to the July issue PDF.)
Remember to enter the FareCard contest too! Win a free FareCard in every issue of the Buzzer: read the issue, then email in your info and the answer to the trivia question by Monday, August 10 at 9 a.m. to win! (And argh, the date for the next Buzzer issue in the contest section got moved: the next issue is Aug 7 now, not Aug 14. Le sigh x 2.)
Anyway, enjoy the latest Buzzer as always! Comments are welcome below!
Wow, 20 years, our population has grown by well over 30,000 (and that was as of 2006), and we *still* have almost the same level of transit service. No nightbus, no way for me to get home from work downtown after 1am, etc. It’s a disgrace, frankly.
Note there is no more 506, 507, or 511 runs. I believe these were either scrapped or sent to the private Community Shuttles in 2001 by TransLink. I would also like to know cause I’m hearing so many rumors about this. Is the 129 Metrotown Stn/Edmonds Stn being turned into 1 or 2 Community Shuttle runs by the fall Bus Sheet? I really hope not cause it would be confusing to everyone and the service is either early/late or doesn’t show up. It is also at 30min service for most of the day and you are up the creek if you miss the last bus. There was also rumor if the last 7 or 8 trips in the evening for the 123 New West Stn/ Brentwood Stn will shoot back up to Hastings and terminate at Hastings and Willingdon so people can make the last 135’s 160’s and N35 as the 130 never meets with the 123.
If you could get answers on this, this would help my commute out quite a bit. If the shot the last 4 123’s up to Hastings, people will make the connections coming from New West. And hopefully the 129 is not touched except for increased service cause a community shuttle would be a bad move and the bus would be packed.
Dan, your absolutelyright about the langley routes. the 506, 507, and 511 were replaced by the C60, 61, 62, and 63. The C64 was an expansion route. I remember when they first changed the routes over. Actually, most of the areas where Community Shuttles are now used to have convetial buses running the routes.
The #511 was the old Aldergrove bus, which was renumbered with the #502 when the #502 went to all day service… Much BETTER service to Aldergrove these days…
If “Rob” wants better late night service, then start with asking your local municipal council and then Translink! Maybe the current N#19 could be extended further east to assist you getting home late at night?