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Canada Line opening: first train!

Canada Line opening: first train!

The Buzzer is blogging (and Tweeting) via BlackBerry from the Canada Line opening all day today! See the full opening event schedule here, and share your own Canada Line opening stories in this post. Note: responses to comments and email will be limited today as I am out and about.

Whoa! We just finished the first end-to-end Canada Line run!

Premier Campbell and Minister Day gave speeches on the YVR platform, cut the ribbon to open the station with a host of other dignitaries, and we were off in two trains from YVR.

We stopped at Bridgeport and Broadway-City Hall to pick up the councils from Vancouver and Richmond. And we stopped at Olympic Village to pick up Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

It was so crowded with the media and dignitaries onboard, so I stayed in the back and kept out of the way. The horn on the train was honked several times though, by Minister Day and more!

At Waterfront, we were met by a welcome from the Vancouver Board of Trade. More speeches were given. And more media!

Since we had two trains too, they entered Waterfront and took up both tracks. This’ll make more sense when you see the station, but just trust me, it’s cool.


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