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Friday fun post: how many times have you been on the Canada Line now?

Friday fun post: how many times have you been on the Canada Line now?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to take the Canada Line rides poll!

Last week’s poll: favourite Canada Line stations

Last week I asked what your favourite Canada Line station was.

I’m not crazy enough to try to write the percentages on that tiny little pie chart (it’s auto-generated by the poll service), so here’s the summary in words :)

Out of 196 votes, YVR-Airport came out on top with 44 votes (22%), Broadway-City Hall was a close second with 43 votes (22%), and Waterfront Station was third with 31 votes (16%). The rest of the stations got a small handful of votes — see the exact percentages here.

In the comments, there wasn’t a lot of elaboration on why YVR-Airport was best, except for Shane here:

I like YVR with the artwork that was just installed this week. I also like how it is lit up at night.

Broadway-City Hall got some mad props though: Dennis and Shane both commented on the overhead walkway that lets you look down to the trains, and Rvie pointed out that he liked the double-height ceilings.

As for the other stations, Cree had a nice description of why he liked Yaletown-Roundhouse:

I like Yaletown-Roundhouse on the basis of the simplicity of the exterior of the station (not too extravagant), and how it’s nicely nestled in the heart of Yaletown itself so seamlessly.

And Josh talked a bit about Templeton:

I like Templeton the most because it’s so quiet there. It’s also one of the most aesthetically pleasing stations on the line. It’s also a great place for shooting pictures of planes landing :)

However, I have to say the thread did have a feeling of muted positivity, and I think Stefan‘s comments sum up the mood well:

I have to say that while all the stations are nice, none of them (that I’ve seen from up close) really stands out as terribly impressive. Perhaps we’ve been spoiled by the lavish, expensive-looking Millennium Line stations, which were a departure from the much more utilitarian Expo Line stations.

This week: how many times have you been on the Canada Line now?

Thought I’d ask since many of you are transit enthusiasts!

Let’s say “as of” means “including Friday Aug 28.” And did you ride the line just to ride it, or to actually go somewhere? Tell us in the comments!


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