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A 351 love story

A 351 love story

Mike and Annie in front of the last 351 -- the very place they met each other.
Mike and Annie in front of the last 351 -- the very place they met each other.

Here’s a fun story for Friday. I got an email from Mike few days ago, along with the photo you see above. He explained what it was all about:

My girlfriend Annie and I met on the 351 Crescent Beach almost 4 years ago and we just came back from riding the *very last* 351 Vancouver out of White Rock as it would be the last time the bus would be passing our meeting place at Broadway and Granville.

How sweet! I asked if I could post this on the blog, and he said sure.

You’re welcome to put our picture up on the blog. I wish we had one of friendly driver, spare-board Neil with us! Like I said, we met Xmas eve, 2005 at Broadway and Granville. Waiting at the bus stop we were subtly eyeing each others’ musical instrument cases (mine a bass clarinet, hers a fiddle). Once we got on the 351 we started talking and the combination of being musicians and being on a 1 hour long highway bus trip helped us break the ice.

Did I mention Annie made cupcakes, which we shared with Neil right before he revved up the bus at 11:35? LOL.

Thanks for sharing, Mike and Annie! Click below to see one more photo of them on the last 351 run (and check this link to see their story in the Peace Arch News!)

Mike and Annie in front of the 351 sign on Broadway and Granville.
Mike and Annie in front of the 351 sign on Broadway and Granville.

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