Come to the Buzzer blog birthday meetup, Thu Oct 8!
Come to the Buzzer blog birthday meetup, Thu Oct 8!

Did you realize that the Buzzer blog turns one on October 6 next week?
It’s true! And in honour, I’d like to hold a meetup with cake, buttons, cutouts, transit games, and more. You readers are a huge, amazing part of this blog, and I’d love to say thanks in person!
Here’s the details:
St. Augustine’s, 2360 Commercial Drive
(Just steps from Commercial-Broadway Station!)
Thursday, October 8, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
(St. Augustine’s is the new name of the End Cafe, where we held our first meetup in February).
Feel free to drop in and out as you please: it’s casual! I’ll plan for one transit game every hour, and you can just join a team as you pop in. (The games don’t usually take the full hour, so there’s time to chat.)
As before, I’ll bring the cake and supply the munchies — you guys can grab your own drinks.
And if you have any ideas for transit games or activities, please let me know! Just keep it simple and try to make sure all skill levels might have a chance at participating. For example, I’m contemplating a transit spelling bee, among other ideas :) Also, this post and this post have more info on the games we did last time.
This sounds like fun! I’ll try to come for sure!
Is this event similar to a social mingle, no lectures, speakers, not like a classroom setting rite?
I have one!
Name as manÝ routes as u can in 5 minutes… naming all 50 US State%
Sounds like fun, and I would love to attend (and kick ass at the spelling bee) — alas I’ll be in Ontario for a thanksgiving holiday. Save me some cake for next time. :)
Ivan: yep, it’s just a transit-themed social mingle. With transit games!
I guess we should be on our best behaviour….. especially since they had to change their name since we were last there.
If the crowds were anything like the last time, I think we need a larger section.
ooo i got a game: whoever can make a bus and skytrain model the fastest!
Did we ever find that huge missing Skytrain model at the end of the night when we came of that daze?
No. I did hear that somebody spotted a lady walking away with the SkyTrain looking very happy, but we never caught her!