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Friday fun poll: do you pull the cord or push the button to request a stop?

Friday fun poll: do you pull the cord or push the button to request a stop?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the stop request poll.

Last week’s survey: favourite train?

Last week, I asked you to pick your favourite type of train!

Out of a record 309 votes, the clear winner is the Mark II 1300-1400 series, with 48%! Those are the brand new dark-grey trains on the Expo and Millennium Lines, with the light-up maps.

Second place goes to the Canada Line cars with 34% of the vote, then third to the Mark I classics (13%). Surprisingly, the poor old regular Mark IIs are in last place with just 6% of the vote, even though they topped the old “favourite train” poll with 71%. How the mighty have fallen!

In the comments, most people were actually waxing nostalgic about the Mark Is, rather than trumpeting the new Mark IIs. Here’s Devin, for example:

For this poll I have to go with the Mk1 cars as my favourite train car. The Mk1 SkyTrain car was the first train I have ever been on in my life and it holds a very special place in my heart. It’s what made me the train and transit nut I am today. The electric motor acceleration and deceleration hum on the Mk1 cars is ingrained in my head and hearing it whenever I’m back in Vancouver is a little like having your favourite dish that mum cooks.

Awww! It’s a very similar thing for MaxNV:

Gotta go with the MKI’s for the same reasons alot of people have stated. But mostly because when I was a kid my mom and me would ride them out to Surrey and back to Waterfront just for fun and because I love trains. Also I just love the sounds they make.

Rvie did do a shoutout to the Mark IIs and the Canada Line trains though:

All the trains are awesome but my heart has to go out to the new Mark II trains and the Canada Line trains. Obviously they both contribute to quiet rides, yet they are both state-of-the art. I love the destination signs on both trains, which tell where the train is going. What I really like about the new Mark II trains is the LED maps and spacing in terms of standing and sitting. But my heart REALLY has to go out to the Canada Line trains–big ample space for standing, sitting, AND placing your bags. I especially love the destination signs inside, which tell you the next station and the terminus station. The ride is also very smooth and comfortable.

Btw I’m a big fan of those LED maps too: I think they do a great job of giving you the terminus and the next station in a single glance. Way to go, new Mark IIs!

This week: how do you usually request a stop on a bus?

Not all buses have the cord *and* the buttons, but when you have the choice, which method do you tend to use?

Personally I always seem to go for the cord, even if the button is nearby, probably out of habit.

Also, if you have poll question suggestions or other ideas for fun Friday trivia and surveys and such, please let me know! I’m always on the lookout for help with this item!


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