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Friday fun post: ever forgotten to buy a FareCard at month’s end — then boarded transit without valid fare?

Friday fun post: ever forgotten to buy a FareCard at month’s end — then boarded transit without valid fare?

If you like, skip to the end of this post to answer the FareCard question.

Last week’s post: have you thought about your Olympic travel plans?

Last week’s fun post asked you about whether you were thinking about your Olympic travel plans already.

After a scant 97 votes, 41% said they had some rough plans in mind, 30% hadn’t thought about it, and 29% said their travel wasn’t affected by the Olympics.

Well, it’s good to see that many of you are thinking about it already, since things are going to busy come Olympics-time! A couple of different strategies were mentioned in the comments. For example, here’s Reva:

Well, as I live on the North Shore, and I won’t be attending any of the Olympic events, my plan is to stay on the North Shore and not venture into town for the entire month of February. If there is something urgent, I can travel to Vancouver by SeaBus. I don’t think I would want to rely on a bus to get me over either of the bridges, with the extraordinary amount of vehicle traffic they are predicting. Then I could SkyTrain it out of the downtown core and transfer to a bus further east to get wherever it is I need to go.

Steve’s concern was mainly for work:

I haven’t really read up on this yet, I am mainly concerned about getting to/from work. At least I have options, work remotely from home or if I really have to go in to the office just avoid downtown – luckily I have plenty of route choices despite them adding another 30-45 minutes to my journey. My office is usually flexible about these issues anyhow.

And Cliff said he’d try a different type of vehicle out:

I personally don’t think I’ll be too affected. I’m switching to a motorcycle for those two weeks. If you can’t find a parking spot with a motorcycle, may as well turn in your licence.

This week: ever forgotten to buy a FareCard at month’s end — then boarded transit without valid fare?

David2 suggested this poll, which seems apropos at the end of the month.

Let this be your reminder to buy your November FareCard today, so you’ll have a valid fare for Sunday :)

I guess the follow-up question would be: what happened next? Did you rush right out and get the FareCard immediately?


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