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Win gas cards and ferry passes with TransLink Ride-Share Week, October 5-9!

Win gas cards and ferry passes with TransLink Ride-Share Week, October 5-9!

Win Chevron gas cards and B.C. Ferries ferry passes during TransLink Ride-Share Week, October 5-9!

To win, just sign up at, a free ride-matching database from Jack Bell Ride-Share. Check out the video above to see how to register and learn more about the service.

Ridesharing can cut emissions and save you time and money. (Owning a car isn’t cheap: the CAA says an average car can cost $6,516 a year — $17.85 a day!)

With, you can organize a regular carpool or a casual rideshare a few times a week. You can also do one-time rideshares to specific events like concerts. The site also provides company portals, so if you’re an employee of, say, eBay, you can just look for ridematches within your own company.

Sign up to rideshare, or just sign up your existing rideshare arrangement so other people can join your group. All of you plus the current ridesharers will be entered to win the gas cards and ferry passes!

And don’t forget to enter the TransLink Ride-Share Week Photo Contest, where you could win a $100 Chevron gas coupon. (There are currently no entries, so your odds are good :)

By the way, this whole week is part of a national ridesharing awareness campaign, encouraging everyone to share car trips whenever possible. Try ridesharing now: it’ll help reduce traffic and is a great option for travel during the Winter Olympic Games!


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