Eep: chance of snow as early as tomorrow
Eep: chance of snow as early as tomorrow

Look out: forecasts are predicting snow in our region as early as tomorrow (Friday December 11), which may certainly affect your travels in the region.
Hopefully this isn’t news to you, but if you are planning on taking transit on a snowy day, there are a number of tips to help you prepare as a rider. We listed a bunch of them in the November print Buzzer, including:
- Have a transit plan in place, so you know your options for alternate routes, if any
- Check the weather before you go out
- Leave extra time for your journey, in case of delays
- Bundle up for cold weather and wear appropriate footwear so you don’t slip
- Hit the bathroom before you travel, in case of delays (so important!)
- Be aware that hilly areas may have delays as it’s harder to get through
- Move to the back of your transit vehicle so others can board
For our part, we’ll try to get you the latest info on the transit situation through a number of channels:
- Radio and TV
- Our Alerts page
- Our TransLink Twitter account (a recent addition to our Twitter list)
- Our media YouTube account — for audio clips, updated as needed (primarily for the broadcast media, but also available to the general public)
- Customer Information at 604-953-3333 (may be very busy on a snowy day)
- The big video screens on the Expo/Millennium Line platforms
- The TransLink mobile site:
As for what we’re doing to prepare, our media team sent out this news release detailing how we’re getting ready for the winter blast. And you can also see the SkyTrain snow plan and the CMBC snow plan posted on the blog at the beginning of 2009. (Also, here’s a Vancouver Sun article on how the municipalities are preparing for snow.)
Anyway, hopefully there won’t be snow tomorrow! But if there is, safe travels to all of you and we’ll be working hard to keep the system on track!
I know that the Canada Line is run separately from the Expo/Millennium Lines, but I find it odd that the “big video screens” on all lines wouldn’t be coordinated during times of transit interruption, such as delays caused by snow conditions.
Are there any plans to put winter tires on buses, especially the ones that have to run on steep hills?
6 Car MK-I’s spotted on the M Line today… Snow plan? Or sign of things to come now that there are plenty of new MK-IIs’ in service?
Marc: Yeah, it’s kinda silly. But we’re working on getting access to the Canada Line screens and that should be hopefully resolved soon.
Donald: No plans for winter tires as far as I know… the thing is that snow happens so infrequently that it’s tough to justify the extra expense of buying/installing etc.
Dave2: I think that it’s both — the snow plan requires longer trains, and more MK IIs allow for the longer trains to be out on the system more often. Just 6 more are left to arrive!
A poster on another blog mentioned that he saw a 6 Car train “the other day”…. so it looks like they may be here to stay… not just on Snow Days (which today was not, as it turned out)
I think some of the new Mark IIs need to be sent back to OMC for checkup, because some of them have some serious defects. Here are a few examples why; some of the new trains brake too hard, some don’t even open doors!(Yikes!). But one notable moment was when I rode the new SkyTrain to Surrey and the lights (and I don’t mean the light maps) flickered and shut off, the train then abruptly stopped. It took a while before lights went back on and the train continued its journey.
[…] if it does happen, do make sure you check out this earlier blog post! There’s winter rider tips, plus all the info on where you can find the latest updates on […]