Olympic transit schedules are now in our trip planner
Olympic transit schedules are now in our trip planner

Looking to plan your transit trip during the Olympic period?
Our online trip planner has now been updated with transit scheduling for the Olympic period: Feb 1 to March 1.
Transit service will be boosted for the Olympics—you can check out our extended services page for more info. (All those changes listed are now in the trip planner!)
And nicely enough, the schedule for the Olympic Line, the Vancouver demonstration streetcar, is also in the trip planner. (We worked with the City of Vancouver on this — thanks guys!)
For more on TransLink’s Olympic services, see the 2010 Games section of the TransLink website. Key resources if you want to be really prepared: the bus reroute maps for downtown Vancouver and the timeline for traffic closures and transit service lifts.
Plus, to explore your Olympic travel options, check out travelsmart2010.ca for info on ridesharing, cycling, and more. Happy planning!
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It’s too bad that service for the community shuttles in the Tri-Cities, which many West Coast Express riders use/depend on even on a normal schedule, won’t be extended to match the extra WCE trains. For example, C29 last departure from Coquitlam Station is at 11 pm weekdays while the last two trains arrive at that station at 11:26 pm and 12:41 am. The park and ride is already almost full as is, how is Translink expecting those who don’t have cars or who can’t find parking to get home? I don’t think taxi service can be relied on without huge waits. It would make sense to have extra trips for local services to match the train schedule.
Sundays are worse – the first eastbound trip arrives at Coquitlam Station at 9:26 pm and the last C29 trip is at 9:30 pm. But what about the other two trains that arrive at 10:56 pm and 12:41 am? I bet Port Moody and Port Coquitlam folks will have the same issue, if not those who live east of the Pitt River. Has Translink taken this under consideration?
Also another issue is the trip planner doesn’t recognize “Canada Hockey Place”. It offers Canada Place, Canada Games Pool, and Canada Way Education Centre. I didn’t go through all the venues, but you might want to have someone check it out.
I noticed that the location of Yaletown-Roundhouse Station is incorrect. It should be closer to Pacific Blvd not at Homer St.
Just wondering about the North Shore bus downtown reroutes map:
– Are the routes on the map the only North Shore/Vancouver routes that will be rerouted?
– Will the #250 (and the other peak-hour West Van services e.g. 251, 253, etc.) still be coming into Vancouver?
– Just the #246 route has a “peak period only” label, does that imply that the 241 and 247 will be running all day long?
– Will the N24 still be coming into Vancouver, or is it just that it won’t be rerouted so it’s not on that map?
Sorry to be picky and I hope it doesn’t seem like I’m trying to split hairs, but the information on the map wasn’t quite clear to me.
Good questions and comments all: I am going to pass your queries & corrections on to our Olympic team. Hang tight while I get those answers!
I’ll add another one to the pile. The 502’s last trip is at midnight. Considering the 502 is one of Surrey’s main routes (Along with the 321,320 and 319) I think there should be some later trips for people who live along Fraser Highway. There were two extra trips added to the 320 Langley Centre, but those don’t service any of Fraser Highway except from 152nd st to 168th st.
I tried planning a trip to go from Richmond to BCIT (Olympic bus network hub) around 6 AM on Sunday, Feb. 14. For some reason, it doesn’t offer the Expo Line as part of my trip. Could you have someone check to see if the extended SkyTrain hours, even for weekends, has been input into the system? (Normally SkyTrain doesn’t start until after 7 AM on Sundays, but the website says 5 AM start of service everyday during the Olympics.)
Thansk for the links. I’m surprised and somewhat annoyed that the Canada Line is shutting down an hour earlier than the Expo and Millenium – surely that is going to cause confusion. I wish Translink would get it’s act together and start treating the Canada Line the same as the rest of the SkyTrain system.
While I’m glad to see the Olympic Line shown on the web, it would be really great if Translink would actually get behind the initiative and start showing some support for it.
From what I see, I think the transit plan is inadequate. I hope I’m wrong, but from what I saw in Edmonton in 1978 (Commonwealth Games) and Calgary in 1988 (Winter Olympics) – I seriously think there is not enough service provided.
I know it costs more, but surely SkyTrain could have handled 24 hour running, and I don’t understand why West End and some other night buses are not extended to 24 hours. Shutting them down at 3:00am or so seems odd, given that we are hosting the worl
Hey, I’m back with some answers! Thanks everyone for weighing in — this is very helpful.
So here’s what I have from the Olympic team so far.
Regarding the extra bus trips to meet late night WCE trains, we do not have any scheduled trips. While it would have been great to run all routes in the system 24/7, it just wasn’t possible with the resources available. This is particularly true for services that already end early – the Community Shuttles in the Tri-Cities are a good example – extending one or two trips is one thing but extending from a 9:30pm last trip to close to 1 a.m. just wasn’t possible. That said, we do have some alternatives. We will be expanding temporary park & ride locations out that way – as an example the City of Port Moody will be providing an additional 450 stalls around their WCE station. On the bus side, we will have some on-demand buses (both conventional and Community Shuttle) staged at Coquitlam station that can be dispatched as needed to supplement existing service.
We’ve also forwarded your comments about “Canada Hockey Place” to Customer Information to fix in the trip planner. Good eye!
Matthew Buchanan:
Your comment re: the Yaletown-Roundhouse location has been forwarded to Customer Information for fixing in the trip planner. Good eye on that too!
Revisions are being made to the North Shore reroute map. To answer the questions: yes, only the routes on the map are affected – the exception being the N24 which has a minor reroute downtown (but is still running into downtown, with an extended schedule to operate all night until the SeaBus starts in the morning).
All the West Van buses will continue to operate into downtown – with increased capacity provided by additional on-demand vehicles. Error on the #241 and 247: the map is being corrected as they remain peak only or limited service.
Got it. We’re checking with CMBC on the 502 extension.
Customer Information will check and make sure the Expo/Millennium Line stuff is in the trip planner.
In fact, the Canada Line schedule is not really up to us — their Olympic service is basically up to ProTransBC, the private company charged with operating it, and those are the hours they’ve chosen to go with.
Also, I don’t think TransLink has an official opinion one way or the other on the Olympic Line. The Line is just outside our scope of work — it’s not part of any regional plans developed with the municipalities. So it’s hard to say anything except “There it is!” I’m sure many here will of course be watching to see how it all goes though, just like everyone else in the region.
And for what it’s worth, I’ve been doing a bunch of interviews with our Olympic planning team and they do seem confident about the transit plans. If they feel it’ll work, I personally feel OK about it. You’re free to disagree of course!
Thanks for looking into that. Yes, I understand and don’t expect there to be 24/7 service, but I was just hoping for as a minimum one trip of buses per route per train as the only “extra service” beyond the regular hours (ie 1 C27, C28, C29, C30, C38 per train arrival for Coquitlam, etc) to allow for people to get home on transit after taking the train. The morning trains still allow for connections, it’s just the late night return train connections that could be improved on. It won’t be only Olympic ticket holders that will be travelling, but also the Olympic workforce.
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According to Bombardier’s website, the Flexity trams were unloaded in Tacoma on Dec.02. Do you know when they will arrive in Vancouver, or are they already here?
jaychess: in fact, the Olympic Line is actually a City of Vancouver project, not a TransLink one, so you might give the city a call to find out more on that. Does anyone else out there have any more info on the Olympic Line’s arrival?
Thanks, Jhenifer —
Bombardier tells me the trams will arrive between midnight and 4:00am Monday. If they wait to unload until daylight, perhaps we can get some pictures.
jaychess: Woo — that’s an early start! Best of luck with the photos.