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Dispatches from UBC Loop

Dispatches from UBC Loop

Brian, one of our transit host coordinators, with Carol Lee, TransLink's corporate secretary and a transit host for the Games. They're at King Edward Station on Sunday Feb 21!
Brian, one of our transit host coordinators, with Carol Lee, TransLink's corporate secretary and a transit host for the Games. They're at King Edward Station on Sunday Feb 21!

Here are two stories from transit host coordinator Brian, who was out at UBC on day two of the games.

Day 2 at UBC was a time to take stock of an interesting venue.

More interesting than we thought.

Episode One – Injured

We had an uninvited visitor. No we don’t mean guerrilla marketers or protesters. In this case the visitor was an ailing pigeon. An injured wing made this budgie susceptible to the feet of hundreds of travellers making a bee line from the B-Line. So the collective resources of the TransLink family (hosts, traffic checkers and others) went to work without missing a beat on our sworn duties. We protected the fowl from fiendish feet, using our own bodies to shield the lesser eagle from trouble, secured a respite chamber made of finest cardboard, gave advance warning to the bird hospital, and arranged transport (Olympic-friendly ride share of course) to hospital. All in the line of duty.

Episode Two – Lost

Our business may be transit, but recall that TransLink is a multi-modal transport authority.

UBC Loop was visited this morning by two persons intent on catching a bus to Whistler: a bus scheduled to leave British Columbia Institute of Technology in 30 minutes.

BCIT is not at UBC. BCIT is not near UBC. Buses go to Whistler from BCIT. Buses do not go to Whistler from UBC. No way!


The distraught traveller wanted directions to BCIT. Your UBC TransLink employee dug deep into his transport resources and realized that the only slim chance would be an enthusiastic taxi.

Taxis are not common at UBC. Especially not at a bus loop. So the TransLink staffer quickly got on the phone … using speed dial.

And, before the taxi company answered, a taxi hove into view. Vacant. Ready to be flagged down. And take a fare. And take on the challenge of a trip to BCIT. Which is nowhere near UBC.

How lucky is that?

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