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Lonsdale Quay bus loop & SeaBus service currently suspended due to police incident

Lonsdale Quay bus loop & SeaBus service currently suspended due to police incident

Update, 6:13 p.m.
The incident below has been resolved!
SeaBus is now back in service — please expect a few delays while crowds are cleared.
The Lonsdale Quay area is also reopening.

There’s currently a police incident going on at the Lonsdale Quay bus loop. Service at the loop is currently suspended and so is SeaBus service.

So please don’t go to Waterfront SeaBus terminal or Lonsdale Quay SeaBus terminal since SeaBus is currently not running!

Alternate bus service has been set up to get people between Lonsdale Quay and Waterfront (we call this a “bus bridge”). Passengers leaving Waterfront Station (northbound) can board buses on Cordova Street outside of Waterfront. Those leaving Lonsdale Quay southbound are being directed to buses on Esplanade at the foot of Lonsdale, which are taking people to Waterfront.

Please note that SkyTrain and West Coast Express service are NOT affected by this disruption — only SeaBus and the buses at the loop on Lonsdale Quay. Police are saying it will take 1-2h to clear the area (that was reported at 4:30 p.m.)

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