Temporary T signage now up at downtown Canada Line stations
February 4, 2010
Temporary T signage now up at downtown Canada Line stations
February 4, 2010

If you’re interested, more T wayfinding signage has gone up on Canada Line stations in downtown Vancouver. Woo!
Just note that these are temporary signs for the Games period, since permanent T signage for the Canada Line still has to be worked out with ProTrans BC, the private operator of the Line.
If you missed it, the past articles about the new wayfinding signage can be found here:
- Look out for the big T: new transit station markers are here
- More T signage is now up in downtown Vancouver
And here’s some more photos from Vancouver City Centre and Yaletown-Roundhouse!

Has to be “worked out with” ProTrans BC. So much for public transit operated by Translink. The idea we have to negotiate for use and improvement of our own public transit facilities… oh wait, they’re not our facilities, not for another 30 years.
This is the problem with contracting out.
Bahaha… These “T”s are GIANT!!
I know! The one on Waterfront is especially enormous.
But that’s good, because they’re actually visible. Maybe they should make the “T” light up like those glow-in-the-dark stars we used to stick on our walls when we were little :P Fluorescence! That’s the word!
Well, I think the ones on Waterfront and Yaletown will be backlit by the lights inside the station. Puffy T glow-in-the-dark stickers would be pretty hilarious though :)
I can’t wait to see the lit up ‘T’s. Next step, TL should have ‘T’ merchandise too hehe ‘T’ t-shirts, tattoos, stickers and buttons!
That is nice for the Canada Line, but how about the other lines to like the Exop Line and the Millenium Line? Are they gong to put the “T” for the other lines too?
Yes, the Expo and Millennium Lines already have T signage in downtown Vancouver
Does Vancouver have a limit to how big the “T” can be? I remember Planet Holywood and Petcetera got in deep trouble with their signage.
Mr. T would approve. “I pity the fool who don’t take transit!”
Hahahahaaha!! LOL! :)
Although I have no trouble following the signs inside Waterfront station I frequently encounter people unable to find their way from SkyTrain or SeaBus to the Canada Line.
Well, for the Games period at least, there will be transit hosts on hand to help people find their way around.
There is a T sign on a pole at Olympic Village now too.
Yes: we were just waiting for it to go up! Good to hear.
Firstly, TL does own the Canada Line, but its contract with the Concessionaire stipulates certain terms regarding signage. Secondly, wayfinding is proposed at most Expo and Millenium line stations in the future.
This is a great idea. . . but the blue square has no visual force from any distance. The ‘field’ for the T simply disappears from the distance where one most wants to be able to able to pick it out. The square needs a white boundary or become a circle with a white boundary. As it is the T quickly becomes lost in all the other visual clutter. It must stand out.
I’ve passed your feedback on to our wayfinding team. Just as a side note, these temporary signs pictured above may certainly be less visible. But the permanent signage on other stations has bright lighting inside, so the glowing white T can stand out more.
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