28 Olympic transit maps to give away!
March 30, 2010
28 Olympic transit maps to give away!
March 30, 2010

Remember those nifty transit maps we provided with the Olympic transit passes? Well, I have 28 of them just sitting on my desk, and I thought some of you might like them as a Games souvenir.
If you want one, send an e-mail to thebuzzer@translink.ca with the subject line “Olympic Map,” along with your name and address. The first 28 to e-mail in will get one sent to them — I’ll let you know when I run out!
OK — don’t send in more entries! 28 people have e-mailed in for maps now! Thanks to all who wrote in!
(PS: I’ve asked, and we can’t give away the Olympic transit passes because they are a tax credit! Sorry about that.)
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[…] The Buzzer blog » 28 Olympic transit maps to give away! buzzer.translink.ca/index.php/2010/03/28-olympic-transit-maps-to-give-away – view page – cached Remember those nifty transit maps we provided with the Olympic transit passes? Well, I have 28 of them just sitting on my desk, and I thought some of you might like them as a Games souvenir. Filter tweets […]
Oh yes! Email sent – a cool souvenir for sure!
I also sent an email :)
oh no… i hope i don’t have to submit my souvenir transit pass for my taxes :(
You can always take the Vanoc approach and put it on eBay if these things get too popular.
Jamey: You don’t have to submit the pass for your taxes, but you do have to hold onto it in case the CRA asks you for proof later on to show that you bought the pass.
Wow – missed my chance – should have check the Buzzer earlier today.
i have one but i dont know where i put it but i got tons of stuff from olympics since they spoil the volunteers with gifts. Oh jhenfer can ya post on here that workforce olympic is allow be on transit till tomorrow
I had 25 of those on my bus yesterday, and another 25 today, and they were all gone in under 3 hours… Richmond depot still had a few bundles, but I think they are all gone now…
Wish we had more timetables to give out though, they never last more than a week or so in Richmond…
And, it’s been y-e-a-r-s-, but we used to get those Discover Vancouver On Transit booklets to give out to every spring/summer…
Hey any translink staff is it true anyone who work or volunteer for olympic could use there olympic I’d till march 31st for free transit
Originally all VANOC accredited ID meant FREE transit until March 24… This was recently extended through til the end of March…
Keith: Yes, I’m now told that this is true. Originally we said until the 24th, but until the 31st is now being accepted.
I bought the olympic transit pass but I didn’t get the transit map. I wonder what happened there. Did we have to ask for the map?
The maps were distributed as a tourist information thpe thing… The depots got a few cases of them and it was up to each driver whether they took any or not… I found that if I put them on the side dash of a lower floor bus, they were snapped up on minutes!
Well if you get anymore, Sean, do let us know. I would have loved to get my hands on one.
I got the last bundle of 25 2010-pocket maps this morning!
Ric: You were supposed to get the map when you bought the souvenir pass. But they were also handed out by transit hosts and operators, as Sean indicates.
That’s fantastic! If you’re willing, how might I go about getting a copy off you?
Well Cliff… Maybe Jhen could either give you my email address, or she could give me yours?? Or arrainge something through her? I could send Jhen the map?
Or, maybe if you were able to get to the Richmond Transit Centre on an upcoming week day afternoon, we could meet up one day?
I think I’ll fire off an email to Jhen and give her my email address to give you.
I’ve also included my email in this message, Jhen. Feel free to pass it along to Sean.
Thanks very much, guys!
heh. I’ve had one of these laying on the kitchen table forever. Didn’t know they were a collector’s item.
I don’t remember where I got it, as it wasn’t given to me when I bought the transit pass. It’s just always… been there! o.O
I’ve sent your e-mail address over to Sean now, so I hope you connect!
Spooky! Either that, or the transit gods like you.
I met Sean today at the Metrowtown bus loop.
Thanks very much! I wish we had more time to chit chat, but, alas, I was parked in a no stopping zone and you appeared to be running late.
Your welcome Cliff!
I wasn’t so much running late, as had to wait for the #110 to go first… Then it was my turn… Lot’s of time on that route though, no need to hustle at all…
Hope you enjoy the few extra things I added with the map you wanted…
Absolutely! That pre-trip and chart of what to do in case of specific failures…. So much insight and very reassuring. I found it interesting that if the speedo on a Nova goes, you have to park it until it can be fixed, whereas on a non-low floor bus it gets fixed at the depot. (Did I get the chart right?)
Cant go wrong with a 96/97 transit guide. I once read off that for a talent competition, but that’s another story for another day. I think I have a couple Discover Vancouver booklets that were intended to be used in conjunction with the Transit Guide. If I still have them, then I’ll have a set.
And the washroom guide… A chuckle and very informative to say the least. I knew transit companies often held agreements with local businesses to use washroom facilities, I have to say though, I don’t think I ever wondered about CMBC’s bathroom locations though.
Jhen, you should post stuff like the pre-trip and operator’s route guide on here. Everyone would have a field day with it!