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28 Olympic transit maps to give away!

28 Olympic transit maps to give away!

The pocket-sized fold-up Olympic transit map. While supplies last!
The pocket-sized fold-up Olympic transit map. While supplies last!

Remember those nifty transit maps we provided with the Olympic transit passes? Well, I have 28 of them just sitting on my desk, and I thought some of you might like them as a Games souvenir.

If you want one, send an e-mail to with the subject line “Olympic Map,” along with your name and address. The first 28 to e-mail in will get one sent to them — I’ll let you know when I run out!

OK — don’t send in more entries! 28 people have e-mailed in for maps now! Thanks to all who wrote in!

(PS: I’ve asked, and we can’t give away the Olympic transit passes because they are a tax credit! Sorry about that.)

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