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Friday fun poll: if you’re standing on transit and a seat opens up nearby, do you jump for it?

Friday fun poll: if you’re standing on transit and a seat opens up nearby, do you jump for it?

So, usually I report on the results of the last poll here, but I won’t be doing that this time—our last poll was buried by Olympic content and received just 66 votes, plus the question asked “Are you planning to go to many Games events?,” which is not all that insightful at this point.

Anyway, for the very curious, please do take a look at the past poll post. Here, we’ll be starting fresh!

This week: if you’re standing on transit and a seat opens up nearby, do you jump for it?

I don’t think I’ve asked this before! Let’s say you’re on an average transit trip. If you find yourself standing on transit and a seat opens up near you, do you snatch it up or look around to see if others want it more? (Or are you a firm standee?)

What do you think? Is it every person for him or herself when you’re on transit, outside of the courtesy seat area? How do you break the deadlock if you end up offering the seat someone else, and they offer it back to you? Is there any kind of unofficial code of conduct? (I’ve often seen men offer the newly open seat to nearby women first, for example.)


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