We’re taking a stand against bullying on Pink Shirt Day, Wed April 14
We’re taking a stand against bullying on Pink Shirt Day, Wed April 14

You might see transit staff wearing pink on Wednesday, April 14. That’s because it’s Pink Shirt Day, a day to take a stand against bullying!
Over the past three years, pink has become the color of anti-bullying, thanks to two Grade 12 students in Nova Scotia who came up with the idea after hearing about a Grade 9 boy who was harassed for wearing a pink polo shirt.
Our Transit Police will be wearing pink, and they encourage you to visit www.pinkshirtday.ca to get an official Pink Shirt and support the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater Vancouver’s anti-bullying programs.
Check out Chief Officer Ward Clapham’s full message at the Transit Police website. Here’s an excerpt:
When people in a community stand up to bullying they help demonstrate the kind of caring, concern and acceptable behaviour that makes a community safe. By teaching our young people that bullying is wrong and unacceptable, we are helping them choose the right path in life.
You also might see your transit operators wearing pink ‘Bullying Stops Here’ buttons on their uniforms.
Coast Mountain Bus Company has teamed up with CKNW to offer 3,500 buttons to staff, showing their support for eradicating bullying in our community. Here’s part of a note they have sent out to staff.
We recognize that bullying is not limited to the classrooms or playgrounds. It is also experienced in the workplace and other social settings. No matter where it strikes, the effects can be devastating, leading to low self esteem, a continuing cycle of absenteeism, and even suicide. Therefore, we all have a responsibility to stand up for those who have become targets and help stop it before it becomes a cycle.
I’ll keep an eye out on Wednesday to see how many pink buttons and shirts are on the system — here’s hoping we’ll see a sea of pink!
What did you think of this story?
I support anti bullying event because bullying is wrong and not acceptable in human society.
In fact, I feel that bullying is a type of harassment that should be referred to the local police, whether or not bullying happens in childhood, in school, in workplace, on the internet, etc.
Can someone explain how wearing a pink shirt actually stops bullying? In my experience bullying continues to be rampant in schools (of all levels).
I think bullying is a serious issue. But is very difficult to identify, especially when the bully doesn’t think it’s bullying. Even he’s told it is.
As a teen psychiatrist, bullying, especially with children and teens, is a issue I take very seriously. The long term effects of bullying can be serious. But, together we can as a community agree to step in when we see bullying, doing our best for the well-being of the victims and bullies as well. That’s why the supporters wear pink and that’s why I’ll be wearing pink on Wednesday, too!
Ah ha! Another example of why an editing function is needed for the Buzzer blog! ;) In my previous entry, I didn’t clearly answer Caleb’s question. And so I clarify: Really the pink shirts don’t physically stop bullying. It’s rather the commitment that is behind the pink shirts to be a part of the community that desires to stop the rampant bullying in schools and other places. It’s a sign to remind people that our work is not done and that we need to stand up for this injustice that Caleb keenly points out is still painfully present in our schools. Come Wednesday, I, too, hope to see a sea of pink! :)
Thanks for the insight, ericmk!
Thanks for the responses, I definitely support the program/idea, I was just wondering what actual action came out of it if any. Hopefully we can start impacting the actual root of the issue sooner rather than later!
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