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Friday fun post: a 1945 Buzzer with planning predictions and poetry

Friday fun post: a 1945 Buzzer with planning predictions and poetry

If you like, skip to the end of this post to to read the 1945 Buzzer!

Last week: what’s your favourite type of seat material?

Last week, I asked you what type of seat material you liked best.

Well, after 146 votes, the 3D vinyl stuff on the new SkyTrains won handily, capturing 57% of the total vote! Smooth blue vinyl was a distant second (21%) followed by flocked fabric (12%) and cloth (10%).

Most of the comments stretched past the seat material to discuss the actual seats. Here’s Marc, for example:

I really like the seats on the new SkyTrain cars, and I think a couple of the articulated busses on the 145 route have them too. The only seats I really don’t like are the large bulky plastic-backed ones. They don’t leave me much room to use my netbook on the bus, and transit time is writing time! (:

Sally actually didn’t like any of them:

Now that you ask, I don’t really like any of them. The flocked stuff sometimes pokes me in the legs. As for the vinyl, depending on the texture of my clothes, it tends to shoot me off the seat like a rocket!

But Dave 2 wasn’t too picky.

Clean, and dry. Other factors are irrelevant :)

As always, have a look at the original comment thread for more!

This week: a 1945 Buzzer with planning predictions and poetry

Let’s take a break from the polls and just enjoy a Buzzer from 1945!

Grab the Sept 7, 1945 Buzzer: it features “expert predictions” about future transit from Alfred J. Lundberg, president of the Key System of Oakland, the rail and bus provider from Oakland to San Francisco. Some great quotes include:

“Hence, I think I will trust my crystal ball enough to tell you with entire confidence that you will never see American cities without public transit, if they are to remain of the type to which we are accustomed, that is, concentrated business districts and tall buildings.”

There’s also a marvelous, still-relevant poem about moving to the back of the streetcar, contributed by Mr. Johnstone of 3833 Imperial St, New Westminster!

“Move to the front” the conductor calls.
I’m afraid he calls in vain,
For planted hallway in the car
There is an ardent swain.

The aisle is sure well blocked;
No chance to get past there,
For he’s bent over whispering
Sweet nothings in her ear.

Next trip a buxom lady
Stands with one hand on high,
Some parcels scattered at her feet,
Says that look in her eye:

“There’s no chip upon my shoulder,
Nor do I bear a grudge,
But until I get a seat
From here I will not budge.”

Now don’t be selfish or inconsiderate,
Treat your fellow riders right,
‘Cause next time you may the one
Who is jammed in far too tight.

There used to be lots of poetry in the Buzzer actually: I’ll have to dig up some examples in a future post.

And tell me too: are you sick of polls? Is it OK to do a historical Buzzer or such from time to time? Friday fun posts are yours to imagine… :)


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