Friday fun post: beautiful bus stops around the region
Friday fun post: beautiful bus stops around the region

Last week, I asked about beautiful bus stops around the region, and I wanted to showcase the many lovely pictures you sent in of stops all over Metro Vancouver!
Sungsu shared the stop photographed above by Matthew Tichenor, as well as a few others:
- one in the West End
- one on Beach Avenue near Nicola
- Gilmore Ave and Hastings in Burnaby
- Marine Drive at Duprez Street in White Rock, and
- the Stanley Park bus loop, which ericmk also cited as a favourite.

Here’s another bus stop Sungsu pointed out: photo again by Matthew Tichenor.

Nicholas pointed out this bus stop above, saying:
It’s a Google Maps screenshot where I’m assuming the owner of one of the houses made a nice bench for waiting passengers. I’ve also seen the household incorporate the bus stop in their Halloween decorations each year! I saw a scarecrow one year hug the pole :P

Eric B picked the view above, and Sungsu kindly got the Google Street View map for us. Here’s what Eric said about them:
I nominate the stops at the SE corner of King Ed and Quesnel for the views of downtown: #51497 for EB 025 Brentwood and #50124 for SB 022 Macdonald.

Sean from CMBC said a Spanish Banks stop was a favourite (and Sungsu grabbed the Street View map again):
I always liked the old terminus stop of the #42 Spanish Banks bus down at the beach concession stand… The view was unbelievable! Not sure if the Community Shuttle still serves that stop or not?

zack pointed out the West Vancouver stops above (here’s the Street View link).

And Mike pointed out the lovely stop in Coquitlam above (here’s the Street View link), saying:
Golf course, lake, mountain…

rbo also mentioned this unique bench out in Delta:
For anyone who rides through Annacis Island, the northbound stop off the hwy has to be one of the best – in terms of DIY bus stops.
Oh, ;-) mentioned that there was a public art project to beautify bus stops back in 1996 too. So many new things learned!
Let me just say again that this whole set of photos is really lovely! If there are any more bus stop photos to share, feel free to send them along. If you have ideas for impromptu photo collections like this, I would love to make them happen in future Friday fun posts!
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Sorry, I had the wrong link for the Spanish Banks Loop. Here is the correct one:,-123.215835&panoid=8Ag4-mUGMxV2HbbXF9FnMA&cbp=12,41.34,,0,-2.04&t=h&ll=49.276093,-123.215618&spn=0,0.039525&z=15
Great post! I love seeing lovely bus stops from all over the region.
I would’ve personally nominated Beach and Nicola!