I Love Transit Week 2010: Eric Bucad on being a transit enthusiast
I Love Transit Week 2010: Eric Bucad on being a transit enthusiast

It’s I Love Transit Week from July 12-16 — because even though there’s things we don’t like about transit, there’s much we do like! All week I’ll be sharing essays, stories, and more to celebrate transit. Come to I Love Transit Night on Thursday July 15 too – full details here!
The Buzzer is proud to present the following essay by Eric Bucad, who blogs over at rickie rambles randomly, and is a longtime transit geek :) This post is cross-posted at his blog!

A few weeks ago, I was attempting to clean up my storage locker when I pulled out some papers that I printed dating back to the mid-1990s. One of them was a bus route guide for Vancouver that I typed myself and have continued to update. Anyone remember the 23 New West Station/Stanley Park? Or the 226 St Patricks/Lonsdale Quay? Those routes existed in 1997!
I also dug up a set of travel-time guides that I’d typed for most of the routes within Vancouver, similar to those still used for SkyTrain. These look a lot older, as I recognize the dot-matrix quality of the printouts. Some of the routes have been re-organized, and most certainly the travel times have lengthened as the city has grown.
Then, as now, I still rely on public transit as my primary mode of transportation. But to me, it’s much more than that. As evidenced by the documents I produced a decade ago, I have been, and still am, a proud transit geek.
In the 20 years I’ve lived in Vancouver, I’ve pretty much covered every regular route in the BC Transit/TransLink region. It started in high school, when in the years before getting a driver’s license, it was the only way for me to get around on my own. Since then, I have explored the limits of the system map, from Horseshoe Bay to Aldergrove, from Steveston to Ruskin. And only earlier this year did I bring my travels to the central Fraser Valley by taking West Coast Express all the way to Mission and returning to Vancouver via Abbotsford, if only to prove that it is possible to do it.
I’ve also been a pack-rat with some transit paraphernalia. I used to compile all the strip transfers and use them as kindling for summertime campfires. Pens and vehicle cutouts were among other items that I’ve collected. However, timetables and maps form the biggest part of my collection. From the old days of individual timetables for Vancouver routes, to those documenting the before and after of major changes in the system, I’ve managed to keep some of them.
I’ve even taken my transit enthusiasm abroad. Be it Montreal, Portland, Belfast (whose system is part of Northern Ireland’s Translink network), or even car-crazed Los Angeles, I’ve used public transport in those cities and many others. In some places, there are aspects of public transit that are tourist icons in themselves, like London’s double-decker buses or San Francisco’s cable cars. And I’ve kept the transfers, timetables or maps for some of the routes I used too!
What I was hoping to convey here is that I have an affinity to public transport that goes beyond that of the regular commuter. Thanks to the power of the internet generally, and of the Buzzer Blog in particular, I’m glad that I’m not alone. So as I Love Transit week begins here in Vancouver, I’d like to invite you to bring out that inner transit geek and celebrate the awesomeness of the public transport experience!
Thanks Eric! He’ll be at I Love Transit Night on Thursday and says he’ll be bringing along the memorabilia mentioned in his post here :)
And yes, let’s bring out our inner transit geeks: do you have any good timetables or memorabilia to share?
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Where can I get my hands on a 99 B-Line mug?
Daniel: I don’t know actually! We certainly don’t have any around the office. The mug looks like it was given out when the B-Line launched in the 90s, which predates my time. Eric will have to shine a light on this one for us.
When the D60LF fleet was inaugurated in September 1998 all 99 B-Line operators on the first day were given special blue 99 B-Line t-shirts to wear. I have one from September 1999 when all 99 B-Line operators were given t-shirts with a different design.
I believe over the years there were other 99 B-Line items such as plastic water bottles, handed out during opening week at UBC.
I did follow up on Jhenifer’s similar question to the top photo on my flickr; I’ll repeat it here: “The mugs were given away during first day of classes at UBC. I believe it was 1999. They must have been created in its first year or so, because the BC Transit logo is still shown.” Here’s another photo that shows the BCT logo, as well as the designated stops east of Commercial: http://www.flickr.com/photos/rickie22/4780790893/
Derek’s comment did confirm and provide more info. I also remember getting a water bottle, but sadly, I don’t have it anymore.
I’ve never seen a B-line mug, but happen to have an older BC TRANSIT mug…
Jhen, on a completely different subject: Public Timetables… I was discussing timetables today with a person who is new to transit, and she was asking me “How do people know where to buy Faresaver Tickets and Passes?” It’s not advertised on the buses, it’s not mentioned in Public Timetables (Richmond-South Delta at least?)
All I could tell her was that there are phone numbers for Customer information as well as Faredealer, but she is right, I couldn’t find any mention of actual Faredealers in the timetable???
Sean: Huh! Well, hmmm, that’s funny. I guess mostly lots of our customers have transitioned over to the website, and that’s where a lot of the FareDealer info can be found. I will send this note over to the timetable group though and ensure they are notified!
The coffee mugs of both “The 99 – B-Line” and the “Mind the Gap” mugs are so cool it feels like I want to have the “Mind the Gap” mug. It’s so cool. I want those two mugs. XD
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