Links and tidbits for Tue Aug 10
August 10, 2010
Links and tidbits for Tue Aug 10
August 10, 2010
Tidbits and links! If you have any to suggest, or a photo to showcase on these posts, e-mail me at! I’m especially in need of good photos to showcase.
- You may have seen this before, but the video above shows a proposed Chinese bus that straddles traffic! Go here to read a translation of the audio. (thanks Peter, Reva, and David!)
- SkyTrain staff find and return a $200,000 cheque to its owner — wow!
- Aha — an article about the B.C. government’s Highway 99 transit information display program!
- BEST and the SFU City program are hosting a launch for the new book Carjacked on Thursday August 12. Find out more about the book and reserve your spot at the launch!
- An interview with New Yorker writer David Owen, who has written a book about how high-density living is more energy efficient. (thanks bella_b)
- The Vancouver Sun ran a series a little while back on police statistics for the SkyTrain system. There’s three stories and several interesting charts: have a look here.
- Erick over at Regarding Place has a lovely and insightful transit map comparing 21 rail rapid transit systems worldwide.
- From last year: a PEI couple finds love on transit (and gets married on the bus!)
- It looks like our system is getting mentioned as Toronto sorts out its transit smartcard program. According to the Globe and Mail, our smartcard plan leaves Toronto’s in the dust. And the Toronto Star is urging the TTC to stick with Ontario’s Presto Smartcard.
- Super interesting interview with the designer of the NYC Kick Map, a super popular unofficial map of New York’s subway system.
- Jarrett Walker notes: here’s coverage of his talk in Seattle, and an interview with On The Coast. He’s also got some more fantastic posts on Human Transit: check out his frequency mapping post and this note about how the city of Ottawa didn’t tell its bus system about major construction (with nutty results)!
- A better design for your car’s brake and accelerator pedals?
- Total question mark for this tidbit: apparently the influx of cycling initiatives brings us closer to U.N. control?
- An even stranger item from the Boston Globe: police cars are apparently often struck by other cars while doing traffic stops and other tasks.
- Apple is maybe developing a smart bicycle. (thanks to
- Gah — apparently there was a 70-person brawl on the Washington D.C. Metro!
- Freakonomics post on subway farechecking in Berlin.
- Tokyo subway manners posters, old and new. (thanks dale42)
- Gordon Price has some updates from the Annals of Motordom: here’s one and here’s two.
What did you think of this story?
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Interesting how the fight on the DC Metro was at Gallery Place-Chinatown and L’Enfant Plaza. I know those are pretty busy stations- imagine having a fight like that at Commercial-Broadway, Waterfront, or Metrotown and you’ll get the idea. And those Metro stations aren’t even in bad neighbourhoods, even late at night! The DC Metro has really gone downhill in recent years!
That is so cool. I wish we can install those for our transit system but it costs a lot of money and I don’t think we can afford to have those things. :(
I really find it very interesting and very convenient :). To decrease the traffic and to transport the passengers a bit faster. And I really find it safe to.
tidbits? This is more like a feast that’s going to take me a day to graze through!!!!
The link on fare checking in berlin is not opening for me today — might have to eat that one for breakfast tomorrow.
I really liked the idea of that bus that goes above the traffic. Just imagine those things over streets like Granville in downtown.
Livin’ in the future!
I thought it was a great idea too, until I thought about
-pedestrains that would criss-cross the surface tracks
-cars waiting at intersections to turn left and right, but pedestrains are crossing it it’s path
-what would happen to passengers above if a truck lost control and struck the supports on the side….. how much would it cost and how long to repair?
-street lights would need to be recessed
-perhaps it would be best on Hwy 99
For the freeway, these don’t make too much sense, because as few as our freeways are, they do have wide rights of way. There’s ample room to run LRT instead of something like this and at much cheaper costs.
The truck issue is something to be concerned about, but why build so low? Build high enough to go over even the highest vehicles. Problem solved.