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Congrats to the winners of our 2010 Bus Roadeo!

Congrats to the winners of our 2010 Bus Roadeo!

News1130 interviews Lothar Greczmel, winner of our 2010 Bus Roadeo driving competition!

Coast Mountain Bus Company held its 34th annual Bus Roadeo last Sunday, September 12!

The roadeo is an annual fun event for our bus operators and their families, and there’s a driving skills competition and a mechanical skills competition for employees to show their stuff.

The big winner of the driving competition was Lothar “Lowfloor” Greczmel, who also won last year, and the winning mechanical team was made up of Lenora Stenersen, Richie Wenzlaff and Sebastian Przestacki. Congratulations to all!

Have a look at Frank Luba’s story about the roadeo in the Province for more — sadly I was still on holiday and wasn’t able to attend in person. As well, you can check out my post about last year’s roadeo for some more insight!

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