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TransLink iPhone app alert: your bookmarks may be affected

TransLink iPhone app alert: your bookmarks may be affected

Screenshot of the TransLink iPhone app.

TransLink iPhone app users! Please check your bookmarks and make sure they’re pointing to the right stops.

Our developers updated the data stream to the iPhone app last Thursday, and apparently it has possibly affected some user bookmarks. All existing bookmarks will be pointing to a logical route/stop combination – but it might not be the one you actually put in there.

We know this isn’t affecting all users, but just in case you’re one of those with the issue, make sure you check it out.

To prevent this issue from reoccurring, effective immediately our developers have:
1) added daily backups of bookmark data.
2) stopped our updater pending verification that it does not affect bookmark data.

The developers send their apologies and want to ensure everyone that they take data integrity seriously and will take all necessary steps for a timely resolution.

What’s next for the iPhone app and mobile site?

If you’re wondering, we ARE planning upgrades to our iPhone app and mobile site in the near future—just last week, funding was approved for this project! Stay tuned though: there are a few things we need to work out before we launch into development, and I will DEFINITELY be coming back to ask what features you would like :)

As well: here’s a list I put together of other iPhone apps available for Vancouver transit, in case you’d like to give them a try too.


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