Important: bus stop changes at Commercial-Broadway Station, Mon Oct 11
October 7, 2010
Important: bus stop changes at Commercial-Broadway Station, Mon Oct 11
October 7, 2010

Important note: the bus stops for the 99 B-Line UBC and 9 Alma/UBC at Commercial-Broadway Station are being moved as of Monday, Oct. 11!
The stops are moving temporarily due to infrastructure upgrading work that will be underway on the road at East Broadway at Commercial Drive.
Take a look at the map above to see how the stops will be affected — more detailed descriptions are below.
- The westbound 99 B-Line UBC will now pick up passengers 50 metres east of the current location (where the #9 currently picks up). This will mean changes to the patterns for queuing up for the bus, which allows for all-door boarding. Customers will need to line up alongside the Shoppers’ Drug Mart Building while leaving room for pedestrians to pass on the sidewalk. Transit Security personnel will be on hand to assist with the new lineups.
- The westbound #9 UBC/Alma will board passengers on the west side of Commercial Drive (outside the bank).
- As of Monday, Oct. 4, the bus stop for the eastbound #9 and 99 B-Line (to Boundary Loop) has been moved to the west side of Commercial Drive, outside the Rio Theatre, to allow for construction of a larger bus stop pad outside Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain Station.
So sorry for the inconvenience: the bus stops will return to their previous locations when the work is complete! Please pass this along to anyone who is affected!
Hello hello, what are we testing?
The placement of the temp westbound 99 stop is a bit off in the diagram, isn’t it? I believe the 9 stop is just to the east of the pedestrian overpass.
Is all this roadwork related to the intersection realignment that was proposed in an earlier PDF that I think you posted (around the time of the Broadway Stn upgrades and 10th Ave. entrance construction)?
ben K: Alas, no — the roadwork is just about repairs. Here’s the description page from the City of Vancouver website.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by The Buzzer, Miranda Nelson and iSkytrain, Breaking News in Van. Breaking News in Van said: Important: bus stop changes at Commercial-Broadway Station, Mon Oct 11 […]
Sweet; I’ve never checked out that Road Ahead web site before, but that’s a great reference for various city projects. Thanks!
(BTW that test wasn’t me!)
Speaks of bus stops, why were the trees removed from Edmonds Station bus loop???
Sheba: Good question! I sent your inquiry over to CMBC and here’s the answer.
Fair enough. Sadly the places they were have been paved over, so no new trees can be planted.
Ben K: Btw you are totally right about the 99 stop being in the wrong place. The new stop is to the east of the overpass. I will correct the map and reupload!
Update: all corrected now. The current map should be the right one.
I have a question for exiting the bus.
The Driver of the 16 bus today blamed a passenger for getting off her seat after the bus has stoped, and the passenger arrived at the door after the bus had started moving again.
But, I remember, In the Orange County bus system, there are signs telling people to get up after the bus has come to a complete stop. which is correct?
Jacob: OK, here’s the answer from CMBC’s training department.
I generally try to stand up before the bus is at the stop (like when the bus is stopped at a light). A lot of it depends on the driver and how much they’re trying to imitate Mr Toad’s Wild Ride.
Jacob: I’m forwarding this on for an answer!
Spam. I cleaned it up.
[…] However, the 9 Alma and N9 Downtown will continue to stop at their temporary location until further notice. Here’s the original blog post with the map of the temporary stops. […]