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The November 2010 Buzzer is now out!

The November 2010 Buzzer is now out!

The November 2010 Buzzer is now on board all buses, SeaBus, SkyTrain, and West Coast Express!

This issue talks about Bike to Work Week, which was on this week from November 1-7! We’ve also got an item about the 15th anniversary of West Coast Express, a reminder to enter the electronic fare card naming contest by Monday, November 8, and a note about our award-winning public consultation game!

You can also find out about car sharing through services like ZipCar and the Cooperative Auto Network—there’s a handy map of car share locations near SkyTrain stations. And there’s a bit about the CUTA 2010 Fall Conference, which we will be hosting in November!

Again, we are happy to have a cover from a local illustrator: this time it’s Katrina Espeveidt. Thanks Katrina!

And if you can’t get the Buzzer on the system, you can always read it in PDF form on our website. Visit our Buzzer PDF archives, or grab this direct link to the November issue PDF.

Remember to enter the FareCard contest too! You can win a free FareCard in every issue of the Buzzer: read the issue, then email in your info and the answer to the trivia question by Monday, November 29 at 9 a.m. (sorry: the issue incorrectly says Oct 29!). We’ll pick a winner from all the correct answers, and he or she will be notified by phone shortly after the draw.

Enjoy the latest Buzzer as always! Comments are welcome below.


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