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9 and N9 stops at Commercial-Broadway will go back to normal, Mon Jan 10, 2011

9 and N9 stops at Commercial-Broadway will go back to normal, Mon Jan 10, 2011

Good news: the westbound bus stop for the 9 and N9 buses at Commercial-Broadway Station is scheduled to return to its normal spot on Monday, January 10, 2011!

That would be stop #50913, on the east side of Commercial Drive, east of the 99 B-Line stop and outside the Shoppers Drug Mart.

As well, the morning rush hour stop for the 9, #58894, which is a bit further east along Broadway, will also re-open.

I’ll keep you updated if this date shifts. You might also want to stay in touch with the TransLink Twitter account for the latest information over the weekend as well.

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