9 and N9 stops at Commercial-Broadway will go back to normal, Mon Jan 10, 2011
January 7, 2011
9 and N9 stops at Commercial-Broadway will go back to normal, Mon Jan 10, 2011
January 7, 2011
Good news: the westbound bus stop for the 9 and N9 buses at Commercial-Broadway Station is scheduled to return to its normal spot on Monday, January 10, 2011!
That would be stop #50913, on the east side of Commercial Drive, east of the 99 B-Line stop and outside the Shoppers Drug Mart.
As well, the morning rush hour stop for the 9, #58894, which is a bit further east along Broadway, will also re-open.
I’ll keep you updated if this date shifts. You might also want to stay in touch with the TransLink Twitter account for the latest information over the weekend as well.
What did you think of this story?
That’s sort of a drag.
Its recent placement in front of Uncle Fatih’s and the new multi-commercial building seems more convenient — a shorter walk from the intersection, and closer to all amenities (as opposed to just the stark back wall of the Shopper’s Drug Mart).
ben K: Oddly enough, when I was catching the 99 stop at its temporary 9 stop, I found myself actually shopping at the Shopper’s Drug Mart more. I guess each new placement always draws your attention to different things? The return to the old location does let people dash from the 99 to the 9 more easily now though.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by The Buzzer. The Buzzer said: New blog post: 9 and N9 stops at Commercial-Broadway will go back to normal, Mon Jan 10, 2011 http://ow.ly/1aLYT0 […]
But the 99 always starts from Commercial-Broadway as an empty bus, so there’s never any such dashing!
Or from the 9 to the 99 stop too :) But some people do seem to dash for the 9 when the 99 hasn’t shown up just yet. It’s all about options!
glad to hear it!! In this freezing cold weather, its nice to be able to easily catch the first bus that comes (99 or 9) from the same side of the street, just like before they changed the stops.
Having to run across the street to try and catch the 9 bus was brutal when I was carrying heavy shopping bags!!
As a different topic, a couple days ago I found 2 unused adult/1 zone Faresaver tickets that say $2.25 on them…
could you please confirm if I can use them on the bus/skytrain/seabus without any problems and without having to add any money?
When I called transit information I could not get a clear answer (one time I was told that I would need to add 25 cents and then a few minutes later was told that they do not expire but it depends if security checks your ticket…)
Mr. Bus Rider: Yes, we still honour the old FareSavers at the price they were bought at: no additional fare required. This was a topic that brought a fair bit of public excitement when the fares went up on April 1, 2010 as this Sun article notes: http://communities.canada.com/VANCOUVERSUN/blogs/parenting/archive/2010/03/25/why-you-should-load-up-on-faresaver-tickets-before-april-1.aspx