Friday fun poll: did you change the way you travelled after the Olympics?
February 18, 2011
Friday fun poll: did you change the way you travelled after the Olympics?
February 18, 2011

Last week, we talked about how transit ridership is up, plus many people have changed their travel behaviour after the 2010 Olympics. So I thought I’d throw that question out to you all here on the blog too!
After the 2010 Olympics, did you change the way you travelled ?
Total Voters: 134 |
Given that lots of you are already engaged transit riders, cyclists, and walkers, I’m sort of thinking our poll will show that not much has changed for you… but feel free to prove me wrong :)
And your personal stories are welcome in the comments, as always!
What did you think of this story?
I’m a ‘no’ since I usually don’t have access to a private vehicle and thus have to use transit before, during, and after the Olympics.
The only thing that really changed for me was that I used the Canada Line to go to the airport twice, but because I don’t go there so often, it didn’t really change my travelling habits.
I would use transit more often if I had a means of being able. However, given I don’t have enough for bus passes at this time…I continue to use my previous methods of travel. By feet, or by a friend’s vehicle.
“No” cos I used transit before the Olympics. But I do miss the Sally Army handing out hot chocolate at Bridgeport Station!!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Vancouver News, iSkytrain. iSkytrain said: Friday fun poll: did you change the way you travelled after the Olympics? […]
Yes, but that’s because I moved. Otherwise, I took transit before the Olympics and I still take transit after!
I said yes
As a Vanoc volunteer, the credentials made it more an incentive for public transit, especially when I don’t need to pay the zone premium I normally do with a monthly pass.
Well, I haven’t lived in any home with a car for past quarter century. So I walked, biked and used transit (last resort during Olympics). So patterns didn’t really change.
No. I didn’t really change the way I travel after the Olympics as I am a transit enthusiast and transit will always be my one and only mode of transportation.
I actually enjoy using transit no matter how long my trip takes. I once had a 2.5 hour transit commute 4 days a week 2 times a day for 4 months when I was going to school in Cloverdale, since I live in Richmond. I didn’t find the trip long at all. To me the 2.5 hour commute only felt like a 1 hour commute.
I’ve used transit ever since I was in elementary school and will always only use transit.
In fact I don’t even have a drivers license and will never get it. Driving is a pain. I actually find that using transit is more convenient than driving.
Nope! I never had a car, so it didn’t matter whether the Olympics were on or not, I still had to take transit to get to wherever I want to go.
I’ve always known how convenient it is to take the bus, but my dad learned how convenient and how much cheaper/convenient it is to take the bus/SkyTrain downtown than it is to drive, find parking, and pay the overpriced parking rates.
Well, I think my parents have been a little more receptive to taking transit downtown or to the airport (especially to the airport; no need to pay for long-term parking that way) since then, but I was always committed to using transit and that hasn’t changed.
I used take a car everywhere before the Olympics, I would rarely take the Skytrain or Bus. After the Olympics, I realized how great transit was and decided to try taking it more. Now, I take it to school 2-4 times a week!
Unchanged (or voted ‘no’) for me since I don’t own a car and I’ve been using transit before the Olympics.
I’d be interested to hear of people driving a car before the Olympics, took transit during, and went back to driving a car afterwards. That would still be classified as a “no”, right?
No, I still have to use the bus. Unless changing from the 98 B-Line to the Canada Line counts :P
I drove during the Olympics. It was hell. Oh sure, driving down Robson with people high fiving you is an incredible feeling, but at all other times, it wasn’t worth it. Parking was a nightmare. Even my “legal, but nobody else thinks they’re legal” spots were taken.
After the Olympics, I still drove. But when it was a major event I took transit. The Canada Line, despite my distance far from it in New Westminster, was really a godsend for me. Many people know that if you’re going downtown, Kingsway is actually one of the slowest ways you can go. As a diagonal street going to downtown, it’s the shortest route, but intersects more streets. More streets mean more people turning left, more traffic lights, etc….
So I take Marine Drive, ease right on to 70th, then turn right on Granville (or if it’s the afternoon rush, I skip 70th and just stay on Marine until it turns onto Granville).
But with the opening of the Canada Line, there is no reason for me to drive downtown. I can park near Marine Drive Station and take the train in.
I suppose that’s really it, though. We need more park and rides. There was a recent newspaper article about Olympic transit use that cited this as a reason that many people reverted back to using their vehicle.
Heh, I’ve been saying that for years.
During the Olympics I worked from home most days.
Now post-Olympics I work at home whenever I can, only going in to the office when I have actual meetings or other tasks that actually require my physical presence there.
Had we not been given the flexibility during the Olympics to work from home I never would have discovered just how much more I can get done without the distractions off office life!
[…] Last week, I asked if you had changed your travel habits after the 2010 Winter Olympics. […]