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Friday fun poll: did you change the way you travelled after the Olympics?

Friday fun poll: did you change the way you travelled after the Olympics?

Crowds wait for trains at platform 2 of Commercial-Broadway Station on Friday, February 12.

Last week, we talked about how transit ridership is up, plus many people have changed their travel behaviour after the 2010 Olympics. So I thought I’d throw that question out to you all here on the blog too!

After the 2010 Olympics, did you change the way you travelled ?

  • No, I did not! (70%, 94 Votes)
  • Yes, I did! (30%, 40 Votes)

Total Voters: 134

Given that lots of you are already engaged transit riders, cyclists, and walkers, I’m sort of thinking our poll will show that not much has changed for you… but feel free to prove me wrong :)

And your personal stories are welcome in the comments, as always!

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