UBC Line updates: the alternatives are now online, and the first consultation is tonight, Wed Mar 30, 2011
UBC Line updates: the alternatives are now online, and the first consultation is tonight, Wed Mar 30, 2011

Two updates for the UBC Line phase two consultation!
All the alternatives are now online

Check the main UBC Line phase 2 consultation website: all consultation materials are now up, and our questionnaire is open!
This means you can view details of all seven UBC Line alternatives plotted out a map, and learn about the potential routes, station locations and more.
But make sure you find out all the other info too:
- how the alternatives may integrate into streets,
- how each alternative ranked in the preliminary evaluation, and
- what feedback we are looking for,
- plus for more info on the design considerations and trade-offs that guided the project team through all the designs, check out page 21-24 of the design guide, which is also linked at the top right of each individual alternative page.
And THEN, don’t forget to fill in our questionnaire with your feedback!
We really want to emphasize that all these items are super important to look at, so you understand where the alternative designs came from, how we’re evaluating them, and what helpful feedback you can provide (we’re not picking a favourite at this time, though we know you may have one!)
First consultation session is at the Vancouver Masonic Centre tonight, Wed Mar 30, 2011
A reminder that the first UBC Line phase two consultation session is tonight, Wednesday March 30, 2011!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Vancouver Masonic Centre, Jewel Ballroom, 1495 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver (Google map)
And the next one will be tomorrow:
Thursday, March 31, 2011, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m
Ponderosa Centre, 2071 West Mall, UBC (UBC map)
After that, there’s two more in-person sessions and one online webinar upcoming: see the UBC Line Phase 2 Community Consultation Workshops page for all the details. Or visit TransLink’s Facebook page and click the “Events” tab to add the events to your Facebook calendar (or share them with your friends!)
What did you think of this story?
The link to the project page is not working
Gah! Fixed!
Wow, one day’s notice for these consultations?
The Open House announcement has been on the website for awhile now… =S Perhaps either TransLink didn’t spread the message through other forms of media, or maybe you didn’t check the website enough? =S Maybe the former scenario seems more likely but I’m not sure to be honest. =S
Skytrain from VCC to UBC. Build it once, build it right!
I agree with what Paul says. Damn the expenses, it’s needed, and it’s been needed for a good 5 years.
I agree with both Paul and Joe. Option B of building the RRT from VCC to UBC is the most promising solution, and a much needed one for growing ridership demands. BRT/Best Bus just doesn’t do it. LRT is probably not viable solution either.
I totally agree with Paul, Joe, and James (i’m not talking about me …). SkyTrain should be the one that would fit for this project. I love the SkyTrain! And as all I know, there are people taking the 99 B-Line to UBC and the concern to me or to all Vancouverites is that there is too much capacity on the 99 B-Line, meaning that there are too much people taking the 99 B-line. I want transit to be more convenient if the Millennium Line SkyTrain would extend itself to UBC. I assure you, more people will take the SkyTrain to UBC much faster than taking the B-Line.
Jeff: the Buzzer and TransLink’s online channels have been talking about the consultations for over a week now. (See the blog’s UBC Line category for all the posts.) At the same time, there were also ads bought in newspapers (including 24 Hours and Chinese-language media), ad cards posted on our transit vehicles, communications through our partner agencies, and outreach with the online community. Sorry if we managed to miss you through any of these!
How do the capacities of the RRT & LRT options compare?
How are you;I think you folks in charge should have taken a trip down to Portland Or.and had a good look at there light rapid transit system.Its wonderfull and it works!No tunnels no elevated tracks just ground level trollies.Just think of all the money you would have saved to put back into the system.They made it work and so can we!They also have a huge far free zone down town how great would that be for tourism.Think about it its a good option…….Thanks for your time
The Milleneium line should be extended to City Hall with BRT the rest of the way.
There simply isn’t enough money for the other options and the extension is badly needed. A solution for UBC is needed, and BRT is temporary and better than what we have now. It can be dismantled when the money for a proper SkyTrain line comes through, like what happened in Richmond.
In the meantime, have 99 UBC only buses run out of a stop on Grandview at Commercial, then travel via Commercial, Broadway, Great Northern with a stop at Keith Drive. Then Great Northern, 2nd Avenue, with a stop at Cambie. Then 6th Avenue, 4th Avenue, Chancellor, Wesbrook to UBC. Have the same in the opposite direction except turning left on Clark and right on Grandview.
Then, if you wanted to make it even faster, have the city ban left turns along the entire route except where left turn bays exist, so the 99 express bus can use the left lane the entire way.
I’m kind of partial to Combo 1. It fixes the Gap in the SkyTrain network, adds service to UBC, services the Olympic Village, keeps merchants in Kits happy, and does it for a medium cost.
Yo: just have to say this so I am doing my due diligence. Please do remember that we’re not picking a favourite at this time! The project team is looking for feedback on ALL the alternatives, in four areas:
So you know: feel free to discuss which one you like the most, but please do remember that the planning folks want to hear about all the options. Make sure you think about it and fill out the questionnaire!
PS: Weird, I didn’t know bulleted lists got weird stripy formatting in the comments! The more you know…
I see that Portland Or is mentioned. Actually you don’t need to go to Portland to see light rail. Ground light rail systems are all over the world, with some of them disastrous and overcrowded (e.g. in Hong Kong).
Fact about Portland MAX light rail: 84km , 85 stations, weekday riderhsip as of 2010 Q4: 123100.
Compared to what is needed on Broadway: 12km, 10-12 stations, riderhsip projection: 146000.
In short, Broadway line requires many times capacity of that of poorly used Portland MAX
I rode on Calgary’s LRT. We had to wait for cars to pass through an intersection before we could continue, on a regular basis. I will never tolerate at-grade.
Gordon: You should be able to find projected capacities for LRT & RRT in the “Ridership” box for each of those options.
Irrelevant, but the 10 downtown at the marine drive station bay 1 is “hastings”
oops, ignore my last post, the marine drive station link is still the old one. http://www.translink.ca/en/Schedules-and-Maps/Transit-Service-Changes.aspx
It’s not a matter of just slapping down rapid transit in the right area and hoping people use it.
The city needs to re-evaluate specific intersections and have them grade separated as well. Granville, Cambie, Main, Kingsway, Clark.(ESPECIALLY Clark!)
These are all intersections that could benefit from some form of grade separation. Ideas like this need to be taken into account for any sort of rapid transit strategy as we all already know that Broadway is over saturated with buses and the only way out is some kind of rapid transit. But by grade separating a few intersections, you end up more capacity as traffic is able to move freely, thus freeing up more space for BRT along Broadway.
This is one of those times when people need to take a biiiig step back instead of just screaming “rapid transit!!!111” and really evaluate how the current situation is not feasible for the long term. And this current situation involves streets and vehicle traffic as much as it does building rapid transit.
Pat McGrat says we should look to Portland. It’s a great system which I think is well liked, but it simply cannot hold a candle to the ridership or travel times of fully grade separated rapid transit like SkyTrain. As passup noted the entire MAX LRT network in Portland is still lower than the projected ridership of the RRT option for the UBC Line. The Canada Line, all 19 kilometres of it, moves as many people as Porland’s entire MAX LRT system, all 84 kilometres of it. Plus Portland’s slowest MAX section are the places where it traverses downtown with heavy traffic and many intersections. While it has its own lanes the rate of travel in the core is only slightly faster than hearty walking speed. I have gone to Portland, three times in the last four years. MAX LRT is fine, but it ain’t SkyTrain.