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UBC Line updates: the alternatives are now online, and the first consultation is tonight, Wed Mar 30, 2011

UBC Line updates: the alternatives are now online, and the first consultation is tonight, Wed Mar 30, 2011

A lineup for the 99 B-Line at Commercial-Broadway Station.

Two updates for the UBC Line phase two consultation!

All the alternatives are now online

A screenshot of one of the alternatives now posted on the UBC Line phase 2 consultation website: this one shows Bus Rapid Transit.

Check the main UBC Line phase 2 consultation website: all consultation materials are now up, and our questionnaire is open!

This means you can view details of all seven UBC Line alternatives plotted out a map, and learn about the potential routes, station locations and more.

But make sure you find out all the other info too:

And THEN, don’t forget to fill in our questionnaire with your feedback!

We really want to emphasize that all these items are super important to look at, so you understand where the alternative designs came from, how we’re evaluating them, and what helpful feedback you can provide (we’re not picking a favourite at this time, though we know you may have one!)

First consultation session is at the Vancouver Masonic Centre tonight, Wed Mar 30, 2011

A reminder that the first UBC Line phase two consultation session is tonight, Wednesday March 30, 2011!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Vancouver Masonic Centre, Jewel Ballroom, 1495 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver (Google map)

And the next one will be tomorrow:

Thursday, March 31, 2011, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m
Ponderosa Centre, 2071 West Mall, UBC (UBC map)

After that, there’s two more in-person sessions and one online webinar upcoming: see the UBC Line Phase 2 Community Consultation Workshops page for all the details. Or visit TransLink’s Facebook page and click the “Events” tab to add the events to your Facebook calendar (or share them with your friends!)

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