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Introducing the new editor of the Buzzer: Robert Willis!

Introducing the new editor of the Buzzer: Robert Willis!

robert willis
Introducing the new editor of the Buzzer newsletter and blog, Robert Willis!

I’m pleased to introduce Robert Willis, who will be taking over the Buzzer while I’m on maternity leave! Please give him a warm welcome: we’ll both be posting on the blog for the next three weeks until my last day on April 29, 2011.

Hello everyone! I’m greatly humbled to be filling Jhenifer’s massive shoes (figuratively of course: Jhen has regular-sized feet) as editor of the Buzzer while she’s on maternity leave.

I have a background as a journalist, so you very well might bump into me on a bus, SkyTrain, SeaBus, or West Coast Express talking to commuters and taking pictures. I also love robots and Japanese food… but I’m getting off topic.

There are so many stories to be told about transportation in Metro Vancouver. The challenge is to narrow in on what is most applicable and engaging for you the reader. I’ll be poring over your comments and emails for your thoughts on transit and the Buzzer and will use them as a compass (intended reference to our newly-named fare card) to help guide what I write. Of course, I’ll be continuing the many themes that Jhenifer has brought to the Buzzer like transit history and tidbits and links. Over the next few months, I also intend to introduce some new ideas and themes.

As a regular transit user, I rely a lot on TransLink like, I’m sure, most of you do as well. I’m excited to play a bigger part of our collective transit experience as the new editor. I hope you’ll help me continue the great stories and conversations Jhenifer has started!


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