Sarah Taylor: Buzzer illustrator interview!
Sarah Taylor: Buzzer illustrator interview!

The illustrator for the May issue of the Buzzer is Sarah Taylor. We think her image of a Penny-farthing bicycle is quite enchanting! Read more about her in this interview.
Tell us a bit about yourself and your art!
I am currently studying design and illustration at Capilano University’s IDEA Program. My style is always changing as I experiment with different mediums and art forms. I strive to continuously grow as a designer and artist.
How did you come up with the Buzzer cover? Can you talk a bit about the other concepts?
I began by sketching out different concepts until a few appealed to me. From there, I defined those ideas into tighter sketches (which included various bike-themed illustrations). My favorite of the bunch was the penny-farthing illustration and the folks at The Buzzer liked that idea as well.
What kind of work are you doing lately, and where can we see it?
I’m in university full-time with one more year until I graduate. So, a lot of my time has been dedicated to school projects and not as much personal artwork as I would like. However, during the summer I hope to catch up on my painting and illustrating! I have an online portfolio you can check out.
Do you have a regular transit route that you take? And do you have a favourite seat on the bus or SkyTrain?
Almost everyday I take the skytrain then two buses into North Vancouver for school. Window seats are my favorite because I love to people watch.
Thanks for all the hard work Sarah!
Check out more interviews with our past illustrators here:
- Andrea Wan – April 2011
- Patrick Wong – March 2011
- Stephanie Wiriahardja – February 2011
- Allison Koberstein – January 2011
- Tobias Ottahal – April 2010
- Jesse Williams – March 2010
- Chloe Lan – February 2010
- Justin Chen – November 2009
- Michael Gilbert – October 2009
- Jane Koo – September 2009
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