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The results of the 2011 Buzzer blog reader survey

The results of the 2011 Buzzer blog reader survey

Just before Jhenifer left on maternity leave (sad for me, good for her), we posted a readers survey. In total, 225 people took the survey! Here’s some of what we learned:

Not surprisingly, most people who read the blog take transit, walk, or bike instead of using a car as their main mode of transportation. In fact, only 43 out of the 225 people surveyed indicated that they mostly drive to get around.

According to the results of the survey, the percentage of people who typically read only the blog (46%) versus those who typically read both the blog and the print newsletter (54%) were fairly close. We’ve tried to make the two versions of the Buzzer different, so it makes sense that some of you enjoy reading both, while others read only this blog.

Some of TransLink’s other social media properties are also followed by Buzzer readers. The most popular is the TransLink Twitter account with 101 people responding that they’re followers. Next, with 56 followers, is the Buzzer’s Twitter account, followed by TransLink’s Facebook page with 47 people and then the TransLink Foursquare account with 18 people.

We asked you: “What do you like best about the blog?” The answer that scored the highest was: “It keeps me in the loop on TransLink issues, consultations, and more” (87.1 %), followed closely by “I like the behind the scenes stories about our system” (79.6%), then “I like learning about transportation planning and urban issues both here and around the world” (78.7%), “I like history items” (56.4%), “I like getting a chance to interact through polls and contest” (37.3%), and finally “I like the comments on the blog” (28.9%).

Most of you said you were quite happy with the number of posts and subject matters we’ve been writing about. On the subject of what we could do better on the blog, 55.5% of those surveyed answered that they would like to see more in-depth coverage. Others said they would like more community participation features, as well as more real-life events to go to.

I’m still poring over the results of the survey and finding new insight each time I look at them. Thanks to everyone who took the survey! I’ll be using your feedback to help make this blog as good as it can possibly be.

If you didn’t get a chance to take the survey or if you have some thoughts on the survey itself, please leave a comment. I’ll take these in mind when I put together the next survey!

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