Win a pair of tickets to EP!C 2011

Win a pair of tickets to EP!C 2011

It's EP!C!

Andria S is the winner of the pair of tickets to EP!C 2011! She knew that CMBC’s anti-idling policy has reduced CO2 emissions by 1.365 million kg, with a savings of approximately $500,000 in fuel costs. Thanks for all the entries everyone, and congratulations Andria!

The 2011 edition of EP!C, the Vancouver Sun Environmental Living Expo, is this May 13th – 15th. CBC’s George Stroumboulopoulos (try spelling that twice) is one of the many interesting speakers for the event. There are also scads of earth-friendly exhibitions that most anyone would find relevant to their daily lives. If you are wanting to attend, we can save you and a friend the cost of admission! We have a pair of tickets to give away for the event (a $30 value). All you have to do is email with your name, address and answer to this sustainable-minded question:

Question: How many kg of CO2 emissions has CMBC reduced with their anti-idling policy? *Hint: The answer is in TransLink’s Sustainability Report found on the TransLink website.

I’ll be mailing the tickets to the first person who emails me with the correct information.  If you don’t win here, do check our facebook page because I’ll be giving another pair of tickets away there! If you make it down to EP!C, make sure to visit the TravelSmart booth. I’m told they have a bike some lucky person can win. Good luck!

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