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TransLink Events Calendar

TransLink Events Calendar

In our discussions regarding our new mobile site a reoccurring comment is to make it simple to use. Many of us lead busy lives, and we can use any help we can get to streamline them. Our hope with this blog is to provide you with an easily digestible, informative and fun way to learn about all things transit in Metro Vancouver (and beyond sometimes).

Keeping in the spirit of simplicity and making sure the public is informed of TransLink activities, the TransLink Events Calendar was created. The idea is to put all TransLink-related events like meetings, promotions, schedule changes, transit training, public consultation and community outreach in one place. Not a bad idea, huh!

Moving forward, there will be more events added to the calendar including I Love Transit Night, which will be added to the calendar this week! This is something new for TransLink, so I’ll be passing on your feedback on the content, layout or anything else about this calendar you think could make it better!

Events Calender
Look here for important TransLink events!

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