I Love Transit Night 2011: meetup wrapup
I Love Transit Night 2011: meetup wrapup

I Love Transit Night was off the hook yesterday! Amazing is the only way I can describe the three + hours of fun had. We reached the room capacity at the Bamboo Cafe, so by rough estimate, we had just shy of 100 people attend the event! A big thanks to everyone who showed up. You made my night! Thanks to Rick, Daniel and Maverick for bringing transit stuff to share with everyone. And a huge thanks to my fellow TransLink employees who volunteered their time to make the night such a success!

The night started off at Metrotown with roughly 30 people boarding our private, articulated bus to the event. When we arrived at the cafe, the room was already a buzz with transit lovers. The night started off with a bingo game followed by prize giveaways, which included the limited-edition I Love Transit t-shirts. Next, was the bus boarding game, which was one of the highlights of the evening for me. Teams enthusiastically battled to see who could board the bus quickest while having to abide by particular boarding rules. I gave out more prizes, then we played trivia (some questions actually stumped some of the most knowledgeable transit enthusiasts). Another round of prizes, a map game, then the night was done.
I’ve uploaded some pictures of the night on our Flickr page. Check back to the page in a few days since I’ll be uploading more.

What did you think of this story?
Looks like it was fun! Sorry I missed it.
Would it be possible to post the trivia questions for those of us who couldn’t attend? I wouldn’t mind giving it a go!
Oooh, cool idea Ed! Maybe Rob could put the questions up as a blog post and put the answers under a cut? We can has trivia fun even though we couldn’t attend? Pretty please Rob? :) Looks like you guys had soooo much fun, wish I could have gone!
When will this years I love Transit night be?
[…] design team will cook something great up for this year’s in-person meetup event (that’s I Love Transit Night, it’s […]
The answer is finally at hand… (at click?)