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I Love Transit Week 2011: photos, models, testimonials, a haiku and more!

I Love Transit Week 2011: photos, models, testimonials, a haiku and more!

It’s I Love Transit Week (July 11-15). All this week, I’m devoting the blog to why we love transit! This week is also special because of I Love Transit Night on Thursday, July 14!

One of the most striking discoveries I’ve made since I’ve taken over the reigns as editor for the Buzzer is the passion people have for different modes of public transit. Transit enthusiasts show their love in many creative ways, and that certainly includes Buzzer Blog! Here’s a sampling of submissions I’ve received for I Love Transit Week.:

An I love transit haiku by Barbara-Anne Eddy

Every night and day,
Everywhere you need to go,
Transit takes you there.

Classic transit

Reva G certainly has an eye for an image. She took these beautiful shots in the central Kootenay. Thanks Reva! Check out more photos here!

An old BC Transit Brill trolley bus in Sandon, BC
An old BC Transit Brill trolley bus in Sandon, BC

An old Buzzer holder on the trolley
Check out the old Buzzer holder!

Old gate on the trolley
The swinging peanut door!

Lego articulated bus and photo by Daniel Nguyen

An articulated SoundTransit bus by TransLink fan Daniel Nguyen
An articulated SoundTransit bus by TransLink fan Daniel Nguyen

Joyce-Collingwood SkyTrain Station at dawn
Joyce-Collingwood SkyTrain Station at dawn

What can’t you make with Lego, paper and some creativity? I’d love to see a B-Line immortalized in Lego! Daniel also took this pretty picture of Joyce-Collingwood SkyTrain Station (the stop to get off for I Love Transit Night!), which can be found on his blog Translinkfan pictures.

Why Richard loves transit

Richard is a devotee of transit. To say taking a bus or SkyTrain is his preferred mode of transportation is an understatement. He wrote a little something for I Love Transit Week that shows how central transit is to many of our lives. Richard also has some great photos of buses, trains and his model SkyTrain set! Check them out here.

I love transit because I am one of those so-called transit enthusiasts. I have liked transit since high school, and whenever I have time I would take transit around the Lower Mainland just for fun.

Everywhere I go, I use transit. If someone offers to give me a ride somewhere I want to go, I would always reject the ride because I just have to use transit. When I go on vacation, I always travel around on transit rather than taxi.

I have a collection of transit items ranging from the classic paper tickets/transfers to transit pins of all sorts. Many of the items I will be bringing to I Love Transit Night. Bus drivers that I consider my friends also look for transit-related items for me to add to my collection. I even have a toy train set, which actually runs, that I have modified to look like our Mk 1, Mk 2 and Canada Line trains, which I will be bringing to I Love Transit Night,

I also love transit as I find it more convenient than driving. I also find that using transit is a lot faster than driving, no matter where I have to go.

I travel around the Lower Mainland with my camera whenever I have time, taking pictures of the buses. My plan is to take a picture of every single one of the buses in the Lower Mainland, and by every single one, I don’t mean just one of each model but the entire fleet from that model year. I know exactly what model year each bus is just by looking at the vehicle number on the bus.

Maverick’s paper models

Maverick does these great archival paper models of transit. Here’s a prototype of the SkyTrain! Why not down one and make your own prototype SkyTrain model. Maverick has been gracious enough to supply a white one and a grey one!

A SkyTrain prototype paper model!
A SkyTrain prototype paper model!

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