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Kids ride free for International Walk to School Week, Oct 3-7, 2011

Kids ride free for International Walk to School Week, Oct 3-7, 2011

International walk to school week!
International Walk to School Week!

If you’re an elementary or secondary school student, there’s really no better time to get to know the transit system in Metro Vancouver than the week of October 3-7. That’s because this week is International Walk to School Week (iWalk), and children in kindergarden through Grade 12 ride for free (high school kids need a valid GoCard to ride free while kindergarden and elementary school kids don’t)!

Last year, over 40 countries were involved in iWalk. TransLink has been part of the movement since 2007.

The idea behind the week is to build a strong sense of community by encouraging kids to walk to school and to get to know their transit systems. It’s also about finding alternatives to private automobiles.

Schools and teachers have taken advantage of iWalk in the past to get out of the classroom and take their students on field trips using the transit.

Have you are your child participated in iWalk before? If so, please do share any tips that you may have that can make the week go smoothly.

If you’re a teacher and want to take your class on transit, here are a few helpful tips to make the most of your journey:

  • Take your classes during “off-peak” hours between 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
  • Use TransLink’s online resources like to plan your trip. No one wants to get lost on a field trip day!
  • Find out if other teachers in your school are planning trips at the same time and what route(s) they plan to take.

So, there you have it. Enjoy your free rides on the systems, kids! It makes me wish I was a kid again.


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