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Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

What's Halloween without pumpkins?

It’s that time of the year again for ghosts and goblins to take to the streets. Starting last Friday, I saw people dressed up for Halloween everywhere. In stores, behind the till at the bank and, of course, transit. I felt like the odd man out this weekend not having a costume on while I walked downtown.

A costumed commuter
A costumed commuter

There were a lot of festive events going on this year including the VPS SkyTrain party. There’s only one conculsion to make: people in Metro Vancouver love to dress up, even if it’s not officially Halloween.

Today is officially Halloween, and I thought adults would have had costume overload from the weekend. Not so. I snapped this photo of a costumed man’s fancy boots with my phone on the bus portion of my commute into work today.

Since Halloween is a sharing holiday (I hope someone shares their candy with me ;), I thought it would be fun to share a few photos of Halloween costumes. The TransLink Twitter team is asking people to tweet their Halloween costumes to @translink. I thought it would also be fun if Buzzer blog readers send photos to, so I can post them on the blog!

Send me your scariest, funniest or just plain silliest costume images, and they’ll live on like the undead on the blog!

Speaking of sharing, scrolling down halfway down the screen to see this fantastic PUPLICK Transportation costume(s) (image of a boy and dog as the M23 crosstown NYC Bus and schedule/info board)!

Scary bus drier
Ross Papa sent this photo in of his bus operator. Scary stuff!
Karl Turgeon sent in the image of his French Canadian costume.
Karl Turgeon sent in this image of his French Canadian costume.
Masked bus operator
Matt Ng - @nmattg, sent in this image from Twitter of another costumed bus operator
cobwebs on the bus
Carrie McLaren - cwalkker, sent in this image from Twitter

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