Metro Vancouver Mayors’ Council vote to approve the “Moving Forward” supplemental plan
Metro Vancouver Mayors’ Council vote to approve the “Moving Forward” supplemental plan

Today, the Metro Vancouver Mayors’ Council voted in favour of the “Moving Forward” supplemental plan.
This means that TransLink will be acting on specific plans to improve the transit system beginning in 2012.
Here’s a breakdown of the changes coming in the near future:
Added service
“Moving Forward” includes 415,000 hours of annual service. It is anticipated that 180,000 hours of annual service will be added in 2012. Approximately half of the additional hours will be allotted to improve SeaBus frequency during off-peak hours, and more than half of the service improvements made in 2012 will be made South of the Fraser River where the need for service is great. This includes White Rock to Langley bus service (30 minute service) and the launch of the King George Blvd B-Line service, including about 7.5 minute service between Guildford Exchange and Newton Exchange and 15 minute frequency between Newton Exchange and White Rock Centre.
Main Street SkyTrain Station
Improvements to the Main Street SkyTrain Station, which needs increased capacity and accessibility to keep up with the significant residential and commercial growth in the area, will begin in 2012.
Over crowding, pass ups and UPass BC Routes
TransLink will be working with its operations teams to determine the most effective way to improve service and reduce overcrowding and pass ups. The data collected from the launch of UPass BC in September of this year will help determine how to plan these routes in the future.
Roads and cycling
TransLink will work with the region’s Major Roads and Transportation Advisory Committee to set standards and determine eligible projects for roads and cycling improvements.
Evergreen Line
TransLink, the Province and the Evergreen Line project team will be moving ahead with the RFP process. Work will be done to plan for improving capacity and flow at Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain Station in order to accommodate the new customers that the Evergreen Line will bring.
King George Boulevard B-Line
The project is in the planning stages and is anticipated to be functional in 2012.
Highway 1 Bus Rapid Transit
Coinciding with the opening of the new Port Mann Bridge, this service will be in place by 2013.
What to expect in the years to come
Through 2012 and 2013, TransLink will be phasing in the highest priority projects while maintaining financial responsibility. Hiring and training new staff and buying new buses takes time, so you can be sure that some of these improvements won’t happen overnight. Expect 63 new vehicles to be added to the fleet in 2013 in order to accommodate the additional services to come.
There’s a lot of work to be done in the years ahead. I’ll be bringing you updates as I get them on the progress of these plans.
Finally, let’s get the Evergreen line started!
Seeing a trolley bus displaying “15 Cambie” in the photomontage, I’m almost wishing that can be part of the service improvements for 2012-2013!
But in seriousness, all of the improvements listed are much needed for the region, and kudos to the various mayors for approving this plan. Bring on Evergreen!
Now if only they could get that Surrey/Langley skytrain line built before I go grey….
Does the Main street station include more escalators… up and down?
This is welcome news!! A clear step in the right direction.
I am looking forward to the increased service coming to 49th Avenue, which is desperately needed. The entire route needs to be replaced with articulated buses.
And when you’re buying buses TransLink, buy articulated. We don’t want to run into the problem in the future when there isn’t enough money for more service hours and all we have is the 40 foot buses.
Finally, PLEASE don’t buy anymore NovaBus buses. The seating configuration is horrid.
I believe that CMBC would make some significant changes in burnaby, if only the city would cooperate. The left wing council in burnaby is totally against translink, and even against some harmless trolley wires on boundary, and on lougheed. If Corrigan is booted (which looks like it won’t happen for another 3 years), then burnaby can actually get started on improving its network.
And my 2 cents on the issue of funding:
People in vancouver write to translink “I’ve got 2 fast ways of going to work, can’t you make one way that’s super quick?”
Meanwhile… People in surrey “I want to escape translink and run our own transit system”
Thanks, Translink and mayors!
I’m so impressed by how much Translink has in store for Surrey!
Great news! I’m proud of the mayors that stood up and voted for this.
Eric: Yes, it’s a bit of an old photo. It is one of the few I have with multiple modes of transit. I think I’ll take some new ones!
;-): The improvements at Main Street Station will include a new station house on the east side of Main with new escalator and elevator access to the platform. There will also be direct escalator access on the West platform.
Robert — I imagine the West Coast Express is also feeling a little left out, another reason to make a new one! :) And given bicycles and community shuttles are also in your mandate, perhaps a little love for them as well?
Hi Karen: Alas, there’s a lot that could have gone into this supplemental, but the focus was on projects with a high volume of ridership. Bicycles are on the list, but the projects are tba at the moment with the hopes that funding will be returned to their previous levels.
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[…] […]
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