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New bus shelters for the Newton bus exchange

New bus shelters for the Newton bus exchange

Newton Bus Shelter
Newton bus shelters just installed

The Newton bus exchange is getting a set of eight new bus shelters this week, to replace ones the previous advertising contractor removed more than a year ago. I thought I would post a couple photos of this early Christmas present for residents of Surrey’s Newton area.

Newton Bus Shelter Installation
The top of a bus shelter being installed.

The bus shelters have quite a sleek contemporary look, and they were designed to allow for good sightlines and visibility through the exchange (glass walls on the backs and sides are being installed over the next few days).

For now, just the shelters are being installed, but passengers who frequent the exchange can expect improved lighting, as well as new paving and benches in the future. There will also be more space for buses during recovery time.

TransLink funded the replacement shelters, and is sharing the cost of the upgrades to come with the City of Surrey. This project is included as part of planning for the renewed Newton Town Centre, a transit-oriented community that includes a new bus exchange.

The installation will be complete this Friday and, if we get photos before the holidays, I’ll try to update this post with them.

Update (December 23, 2011): As promised, below is another photo of the shelters, this one showing the glass being installed.


Newton Bus Shelters
Glass being installed on the Newton bus shelters











Author: Tina Robinson


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