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Watch our new video on how to manage your baby stroller on the bus

Watch our new video on how to manage your baby stroller on the bus
Knowing how to load your stroller on and off the bus properly can change your commute from a frustrating experience to a pleasant one. Provided there is room available on the bus for you and your baby stroller, this new video provides a step-by-step process of how best to travel on the bus using a three or four-wheel stroller.

One factor of the process that is important to highlight is the importance of communicating with the bus operator. After I pull or press for the buzzer, I often say (not yell) in a loud voice, “Stroller coming off.” This lets the bus operator know I’m getting off at the next stop so that the bus operator can provide any necessary assistance alighting the bus. Often that assistance is getting other riders to make room along the aisle and to the front doors for my stroller. Some may see this as an unnecessary addition, but I find if I’m on a busy bus, having someone like the bus operator helping me alight quicker can make for a smoother journey for myself, my child and others riders.

Let me know what you think of the video and whether you have any additional tips for getting you and your little one on and off the bus safely and quickly.


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