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Ask TransLink CEO, Ian Jarvis, your questions, and share your ideas

Ask TransLink CEO, Ian Jarvis, your questions, and share your ideas

Send in those questions and ideas for Ian!

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the Commissioner’s Review and asked for your feedback on how TransLink can plan for the future. There have been some fantastic comments and novel ideas shared. While I continue to respond to comments and find answers for others, I’ve managed to reserve some time with TransLink CEO, Ian Jarvis, to put a few to him directly.

I’m collecting some of your comments from that previous post and posing them as questions for him. However, if you didn’t get a chance to present your ideas or to ask your question previously, now is your chance to do so.

I’ll be again collecting questions today and tomorrow via the comments section. As I’ll have a finite amount of time with Ian, I won’t be able to ask all your questions. Please keep them straightforward so that they are answered as clearly as possible.

If you’re not sure what to ask or if your questions has been answered already, Ian took questions from media and Buzzer blog readers via a video and phone briefing in April.

Ian and I look forward to answering your questions and hearing your ideas!


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