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New 2012 regional cycling maps are here!

New 2012 regional cycling maps are here!

Detail from the cover of our updated cycling map!

Check it out: our Metro Vancouver cycling map has been updated for 2012!

For those who don’t know, our regional cycling map is a handy tool to help cyclists figure out bike routes in the region. It also highlights major destinations, nearby bike shops, bike lockers and other helpful cycling information.

You can grab the map by downloading it from the Cycling Maps section of the TransLink website.

As well, you can also get printed versions of the maps for FREE this year! Keep an eye on the Cycling Maps section for a list of locations: though likely many bike shops and places like libraries or city halls may have them. (Edit July 25, 2012: here is that list of locations!)

So what’s new with the 2012 bike map?

We update the maps every few years to reflect changes in the region’s cycling routes and the latest bike-related information.

And since the last 2010 update, there have been many more new official cycling routes developed in nearly every municipality throughout our region!

Read on to see a few examples of the new routes on the map.


A few changes for the regional cycling map in Surrey. Click for a much larger version!

First, a bit of context. In the cycling map, any blue routes are considered “informal routes”— they’re not official bike routes, but ones that are recommended in the absence of formal bike routes. Green routes are formal bike routes officially supported by each city—for example, the City of Vancouver provides crosswalk light buttons that are easy for cyclists to reach on many of its official bike routes. So when routes change from blue to green on the map, that’s a good thing!

As well, purple routes on the map are separated from traffic and are considered the most desirable type of route, according to our research. So when new purple routes show up on the map, that’s also very good for encouraging cycling.

Our bike planning team used yellow arrows in the pictures above to highlight the differences in the 2012 map. As you can see, Surrey has converted a lot of informal bike routes in this area to formal cycling routes, and a new bike overpass where 112 Street runs into Highway 1. Hurrah!


A few of the changes to the Richmond portion of the 2012 Metro Vancouver cycling map.

In Richmond, a new north-south route has been added from Barnard Drive down to Steveston. And there’s a new off-street separated bike lane through Steveston Park, parallel to Moncton Street.

Downtown Vancouver

Changes to the downtown Vancouver cycling routes in the 2012 Metro Vancouver cycling map. Click the image for a larger version.

As well, as many of you already know, there have been a number of separated bike lanes added in downtown Vancouver in the past few years. And now they are on our map!

Where to get them and more

Again, grab the map by downloading it from the Cycling Maps section of the TransLink website. Printed versions of the maps for FREE this year—just keep an eye on the Cycling Maps section for a list of locations. (Edit July 25, 2012: here is that list of locations!)

And feel free to share any questions or comments: I’ll pass them on to our cycling team for answers.


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