The July 2012 Buzzer is ready to read and colour!
The July 2012 Buzzer is ready to read and colour!

The latest issue of the Buzzer can now be found on buses, SkyTrain, SeaBus, West Coast Express and in .pdf form. We’ve done something a little different with the layout of the issue this month. The front panel illustration spans four panels and is designed to be coloured by readers.
This illustration is part of I Love Transit Week which is July 16-20 this year. Do your best colouring job of the illustration, mail or email us your coloured Buzzer or a photo of it and you’ll be entered to win one of two randomly selected prizes which include a monthly FareCard. One of the prizes will go to an adolescent or adult and the other will go to a child until 12 years of age. We’ll also be posting the winning colouring job on the blog. Get your crayons, pencil crayons, pastels, markers or whatever you like and make this image colourful! Info on how to enter the colouring contest can be found in the issue.
Besides I Love Transit Week and Night, the July issue of the Buzzer also has info on Real-time Next Bus SMS. We’ve been getting some good feedback about this service of late.
Keeping in the technology vein, there’s also information about TransLink releasing the API for our real-time Next Bus transit information to developers to use to make custom websites and applications. We’re planning a developer camp at the TransLink offices in Metrotown for anyone interested. We’ll be posting the specifics on the day on the blog very soon.
Of note is that the event will be on July 18 during the day and NOT July 12 as was noted in the print Buzzer. This is the same day as I Love Transit Night, so why not spend your day with ust! We’re encouraging those interested to join the Google group to learn more.
The section of the print Buzzer known as Metro Vancouver by transit returns this month with a spotlight on Buntzen Lake. Rounding out the issue is service info for Caribbean Days (July 18-19) and the Honda Celebration of Light (July 28, and August 1, 4). Lastly, an issue of the Buzzer wouldn’t be complete without Back Issues and the Contest Corner.
I could tell you more about the issue, but that wouldn’t spoil the fun. Pick one up or download it, read it, colour it and enjoy!
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[…] camp on Wednesday, July 18th (no additional information out of TransLink’s Buzzer blog aside from a brief mention) for app developers interested in working with TransLink’s API, as part of its I Love Transit […]