Look out for bus service changes starting Monday Sept 3, 2012
Look out for bus service changes starting Monday Sept 3, 2012

Bye-bye summer, hello fall! With September just around the corner, students are going back to school and businesses are getting busier as many people head back to work after vacation.
September also means our regular service changes, to reflect higher demand, and our ongoing efforts to find ways of doing our business better. As many of you know, four times a year—in September, December, April and June—we make changes to be more efficient and make our services more productive.
We’ve got lots of changes coming September 3, 2012, but some of the highlights include:
- A new trolley loop on University Boulevard at UBC, just across from the temporary trolley loop (here’s a map of it)
- Higher service levels for many of the routes that take students to school
- New boarding locations for buses at New Westminster Station (here’s a map)
- The 595 will no longer operate on the segment between Maple Meadows Station and Haney Place (you can transfer between the 595 and 701 at Maple Meadows—the map of the new route is here)
- Granville Mall reopens to traffic, meaning buses resume their normal downtown routes
- The 5, 6 remain on their current Olympic routes after Labour Day
- The 395 will increase to every 12 minutes in the morning and every 20 minutes in the afternoon. All trips on the 395 will start at 200th St & 64th Ave, providing more transit options for people living in the area and reducing the pressure on the 502
- The 640 will convert from a Community Shuttle bus after 8 p.m. on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays to a conventional 40’ bus, responding to increased demand caused by industrial growth along River Road.
You can check out all the transit service changes on our website to see if any of your usual routes are affected—and please help us spread the word to anyone who might be affected!
Will Monday, Sept. 3 operate on a Sunday/Holiday schedule?
Hi Elfren: Yes, Monday September 3 will be on our Sunday/Holiday schedule.
Also “Peak Hour” #407 frequencies are a changing too, M-o-r-e- frequent along the Bridgeport Section, but slightly l-e-s-s- frequent along the Gilbert section in peak hours. Approx every 20 minutes during “peak hours” starting Sept 4…
@ Translink
Thanks for the changes. None of them directly benefit me, but it’s kind of like the transit version of Christmas. Sometimes we get the transit equivalent of a pair of socks [“Hmm. I can’t use that!”]. Sometimes we get the transit equivalent of a bill [“Reduction of service?! Not again!”]. Sometimes we a get a beautiful gem [“Yes!”]. It’s always something that I look forward to. It helps to reduce the sadness of saying goodbye to summer.
I have a suggestion for the wayfinding team. I noticed on the New Westminster Station map, that Bay 1 is on the east corner. I could be wrong, but it might be easier to find the bay numbers, if Bay #1 started at the south corner under the shopping complex. I suggest putting Bay #8 and #9 on 8th St, and then rotating the others accordingly. The buses should start at the same location; just change the numbers. This change would work best, if saved for 1 of the 4 seasonal changes.
Instead of just listing all the changes by route number, would it be possible to break it down into seasonal changes, new stop at an exchange, and ‘other’?
Sheba: Good suggestion. I’ll pass it along to the web team!
Starting the 595 bus southbound at Maple Meadows Station may potentially improve things for afternoon commuters. As things stand now, if the West Coast Express train is 5 minutes late, one has to wait about 25 minutes for the next 595 bus. If a 595 bus driver is allowed a certain amount of discretion and times the departure from the station to allow a connection from a mildly late train, then more commuters will opt to attempt that connection to get home in Langley. With accurate real-time arrival information that may be doable.
P.S. Sorry about the old link on my name in the previous comment!
Noticing a few minor errors in the brand new printed timetables dated Sept 3: Of NOTE: The weekday westbound #49 trips that end at Dunbar Loop appear to end at Granville in the new timetables (No times listed arriving into Dunbar Loop), and the nine early morning weekday #351’s that start their trips at 128 & Crescent Rd don’t show that/note that in the new timetable. They appear to begin service at White Rock Centre?
[…] month’s Buzzer is all about the upcoming September 3 service changes, which we talked about this week. Make sure you’re up to date on the […]
“Also “Peak Hour” #407 frequencies are a changing too, M-o-r-e- frequent along the Bridgeport Section, but slightly l-e-s-s- frequent along the Gilbert section in peak hours. Approx every 20 minutes during “peak hours” starting Sept 4…”
but the 407 will still doing this unecessary, and time wasting detour at Sexsmith, instead to stay on GradenCity.
Why not suppress this (with other, like the one on #49) utterly unnecessary and resource consuming detour instead of suppressing runs?
[…] blog post from last week has all the info you need to know to make sure you get to all the places you need […]